$ yarn add react-native-apple-authentication-android
First, follow Apple's instructions to set up Sign In with Apple in your iOS app and for a web service. It is the web service setup that you'll use from Android, but you need both.
More setup is necessary for backend operations, but the above is all you need to use this library. For more detail, you can read Aaron Parecki's walkthrough, What the Heck is Sign In with Apple?
You should have created:
An App ID
including the Sign In with Apple capability
A Service ID
using the App ID as its primary
mapped to a domain you control
which Apple has verified
including at least one Return URL
From this setup, you will need two OAuth arguments to use this library:
A client ID, which you entered as the Identifier field of the Service ID.
A redirect URI, which you entered as the Return URL.
We recommend you use an https:// address for your redirect URI. If you use an http:// address, you may need to include a security configuration to allow cleartext traffic. Although this library should intercept the redirect request, you should regard this as a less secure option. If it's necessary, see the Network security configuration documentation for instructions on setting up a security configuration. Add that file to your Manifest's <application> tag using the attribute android:android:networkSecurityConfig.
import AppleAuthenticationAndroid, {
} from "react-native-apple-authentication-android";
// Initialize the module
clientId: "Your client ID",
redirectUri: "Your redirect URI",
// Scope.ALL (DEFAULT) = 'email name'
// Scope.Email = 'email';
// Scope.Name = 'name';
scope: Scope.ALL,
// ResponseType.ALL (DEFAULT) = 'code id_token';
// ResponseType.CODE = 'code';
// ResponseType.ID_TOKEN = 'id_token';
responseType: ResponseType.ALL,
// Sign In with Apple
const signInWithApple = async () => {
try {
const response = await AppleAuthenticationAndroid.signIn();
if (response) {
const code = response.code; // Present if selected ResponseType.ALL / ResponseType.CODE
const id_token = response.id_token; // Present if selected ResponseType.ALL / ResponseType.ID_TOKEN
const user = response.user; // Present when user first logs in using appleid
console.log("Got auth code", code);
console.log("Got id_token", id_token);
console.log("Got user", user);
} catch (error) {
if (error && error.message) {
switch (error.message) {
console.log("AppleAuthenticationAndroid not configured yet.");
console.log("Apple signin failed.");
console.log("User cancelled apple signin.");
This library is based on https://github.com/willowtreeapps/sign-in-with-apple-button-android. As such, it shares its dependencies and some setup instructions.