Adds Eager Loading Options to Parsers
//Create EagerLoad object with multiple flags
EagerLoad el = new EagerLoad(EagerLoadType.ECEF);
//Parse string to coordinate with eager loading settings specified.
Coordinate coord;
Coordinate.TryParse("45.34, 65.47", el, out coord);
Adds UTM/MGRS Gris Zone Over-Projection Option
//Create a coordinate that projects to UTM Grid Zone 31
Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(51.5074,1);
//Display normal projected UTM
Console.WriteLine(coord.UTM); //31U 361203mE 5708148mN
//Lock coordinate conversions to Grid Zone 30 (over-project);
//Display over-projected UTM
Console.WriteLine(coord.UTM); //30U 777555mE 5713840mN
//Approximately 1 meter of precision lost with a 1° (111 km / 69 miles) over-projection.
XML Fixes