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Webinar Preparation Checklist

Debbie Paul edited this page Jan 31, 2018 · 15 revisions

Before the Webinar

from the presenters

  1. Date and Time
  2. Title
  3. Abstract
  4. Presenter/s (Instructor/s) names and affiliations and preferred contact information to share
  5. Links to any relevant pre-reading materials for best experience

dwc team

  1. decide on moderator/s (with input from presenters, as appropriate)
  2. Create and Post Calendar Announcement at iDigBio to include:
    1. All above items (date, time, title, abstract, presenter information, relevant links, moderator) and adobe connect help link.
      1. Link to how to get the most out of Adobe Connect
      2. You (anyone) can post community announcements but not calendar announcements. So, I’ll post this (Deb, that is).
    2. Add Calendar Announcement Link to the Webinars Wiki.
  3. Schedule Sound Check: presenters need to meet in advance of any Webinar (schedule convenient time). This is to insure all software working as expected, and to check sound.
    1. All presenters need to use this link: Test your computer and internet connection using the Adobe Connect Diagnostic Test.
  4. DwC Hour Team Collaborative Notes from Webinars
  5. Note to Shari Ellis (well in advance), for setting up the post-webinar surveys. They can be generic, or quite specific (as needed/desired).
    1. Includes getting input from the presenters on any questions they'd like to include.
  6. Link to post-webinar survey - use tiny URLs (better for putting in presentations)
  7. Written introduction to webinar (to read at beginning of webinar): introduce self, speaker/s and topic. mention survey and import of survey, how the chat works (change colors), microphones off till end of presentation, headphones best, etc.
  8. Prepare AdobeConnect environment for current webinar iteration.
    1. Copy and paste relevant links (like to survey) into the chat as appropriate for the webinar.
    2. Update AdobeConnect pod headings to reflect current DwC Hour iteration.
    3. Ensure AdobeConnect layouts available reflect presentation needs (e.g. large presenter video pod for Q&A, screenshare pod for presentation).
  9. Communication about webinars to relevant community routes (SPNHC NHCOLL listserve, iDigBio Newsletter, iDigBio listserves, TDWG, GBIF comms, AAAM, Museum-L, Herbaria-L, SERNEC, Taxacom, ECN listserve, ...)
    1. SPNHC NHCOLL send email to [email protected]
      1. To subscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
    2. iDigBio Newsletter, send note to Molly Phillips mphillips AT flmnh DOT ufl DOT edu AND / OR Send Molly link to iDigBio Calendar Announcement
    3. To relevant iDigBio listserves
      1. Deb has sent to all, but in general, sending to the main idigbio list serve reaches most. Use judgement based on topic.
    4. TWDG and TDWG content: see
    5. GBIF communication team (aka GBIF comms) send email to [email protected]
    6. GBIF BID Community Send Bid-community mailing list submissions to [email protected]
      1. to subscribe
    7. CSAAM? perhaps need to send to this list too
    8. MUSEUM-L email to post to list [email protected]
      1. to subscribe
    9. Herbaria-L email to post to list [email protected]
      1. to subscribe
    10. SERNEC send email to list [email protected]
      1. to subscribe
    11. Taxacom send email to [email protected]
      1. to subscribe
    12. Entomological Collections Network (ECN) send email to [email protected]
      1. to subscribe
    13. BITC send email request to Town Peterson town AT ku DOT edu

After the Webinar

  1. Post link to recording (add it to Calendar announcement at iDigBio, add it to the Data Mgmt Wiki) Recordings are also being rendered for the iDigBio Vimeo Darwin Core Hour Album, in mp4 format to increase accessibility.
  2. Blog Posts? It would be great to have some folks blogging about these - we can post them at iDigBio, SPNHC, share with GBIF, and others - for reaching a broader audience.
  3. Be sure to record a transcript of the chat box from the webinar!
    1. In the chat pod, use hamburger dropdown menu to "Email Chat History"
  4. Someone needs to render an mp4 version of the Adobe Connect recording, for linking on the Webinars Wiki.
  5. Upload the talk (preferably a copy - to avoid deletion) in the folder: DarwinCoreHour-SharedFolder
  6. Store the post-webinar survey feedback in this webinar surveys folder.

Example Webinar announcement template

Darwin Core Hour: Introduction
Tuesday Feb 7 @ 1 EST

Series Abstract
Darwin Core has become a broadly-used standard for biodiversity data sharing since its inception as a standard by the organization Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) in 2009. Despite, or because of, its popularity, people trying to use the standard continue to have questions about how to use Darwin Core and associated extensions. This webinar series looks at open questions related to Darwin Core. Though the topic is broad, individual chapters in the series will focus on specific topics to any adequate level of depth. We encourage people to bring or submit questions and to have open discussions in each webinar.

Chapter Abstract
In this next webinar in the Darwin Core Hour series, we will take a look at the list of Darwin Core terms that are recommended to be populated by values from controlled vocabularies. For some of these terms (e.g., dcterms:type, basisOfRecord, etc.), we will look at how they are used in practice, how that differs from the recommendations, what the consequences might be of not following controlled vocabularies, and the converse - what might be the consequences of not doing so. Finally, we will discuss distinct types of solutions for community controlled vocabulary management.
Presenter: John Wieczorek
Moderators: Deborah Paul and Shelley James

Links to relevant pre-reading materials for best experience
GBIF Darwin Core Archive, How-to Guide (

Link to how to get the most out of Adobe Connect
Please use headsets for best experience.

Example Webinar Introduction Script

Hi everyone, I’d like to start with a few logistics.

  • Please do use the chat to communicate – and note the top right drop-down (hamburger) menu in the chat pod – you can change your chat text color for readability! Please jot down your insights and questions as we go through this webinar. We thrive on your input.
  • We will turn on participant microphones at the end of the presentations.
  • For best webinar experience: please use headsets if you have them, and note you can use the status drop-down at the top right of your menu bar to raise your hand, applause, or suggest someone talk louder or softer.
  • Some of you with lower bandwidth may experience delays between what you are seeing and what you are hearing. We are taking this into account with the presentation style, but if you hover over the video feeds, you can close the video feed locally to conserve the bandwidth for the presentation.
  • Key links are provided in the top of the chat to the webinar announcement, the Darwin Core Input Form, and our Post-Webinar Survey – which we need you to take before you leave today – our surveys help us meet your needs and make it so we don’t need to require webinar registration for participants – and for reporting the NSF. We are recording (starting in just a second), and the link to the recording will be added to the webinar announcement and Darwin core hour wiki later today. Now, let’s get started 


Hi Everyone, I’m name, title, here with my co-moderator name, title and today’s speakers name, title, and name, title. We’d like to welcome you to the nth Darwin Core Hour Webinar: webinar_title. We are so pleased to have you with us today. One of our main goals in putting this webinar series and resources together is to encourage and enhance more integrated and direct collaborations between the biodiversity data and collections community together with the standards and software communities. I have a brief introduction to this DarwinCore Hour webinar series and some of the tools that we’ve prepared for your enriched DarwinCore experience and I’ll walk you through that now, before turning it over to our presenters. Please remember, your participation is vital to the evolution of biodiversity data standards and their fitness-for-use. All of us can contribute to the lineup of future Darwin Core Hour webinars, ask and answer questions, and see documented responses via the Darwin Core Input Form.

(script for DwC Hour series not yet written, slides provided here:

presenter_name, take it away!