Fenix is distributed cache. However it's' universal the main ambition is to provide high scalable replacement for Diffusion. Fenix currently support low-level TCP interface and the same functionality will be exposed by Websocket interaface.
Each frame transmitted is followed by the TCP terminal character that is configured in the config file: fenix.conf under the property 'fenix.tcp.protocol.terminal', by default is the charachter '\n' ('\u000D'). Each frame is encoded as a JSON array where the first element is always a Number and represents the type of Operation.
Operation Code | Operation Name | Descriptionn | Arguments | Example |
1 | FenixCreateEntityCmd | Create a new Key/Value entity into the cache | entityId: String, data: Map[String, Any] | [1,"OB_EV54952","{"eventId":"OB_EV54952","homeScore":"0"}"] |
2 | FenixUpdateCmd | Update a specific field of an entity | entityId: String, field: String, value: Any | [2,"OB_EV54952","homeScore","1"] |
3 | FenixRemoveCmd | Remove a Key/Value entity from the cache | entityId: String | [3,"OB_EV54952"] |
4 | FenixAddCmd | Add a value to a List field of an entity. If the field is not a list after this operation it is automatically converted into a Seq[Any] | entityId: String, field: String, values: Set[Any] | [4,"OB_EV54952","homePlayers",["Edgar Davids","Alessandro Del Piero","Luis Figo"]] |
5 | FenixDelCmd | Remove a value from a List field of the specified entity | entityId: String, field: String, values: Set[Any] | [5,"OB_EV54952","homePlayers",["Alessandro Del Piero"]] |
6 | FenixClearCmd | Clear the Value of a specific entity. Differently from FenixRemoveCmd, this operation set the value of the entity to an empty map but it doesn't remove the entity | entityId: String | [6,"OB_EV54952"] |
7 | FenixMergeEntityCmd | Merges the actual entity with the provided Key/Value map. Whether to preserve or not former keys is optional. | entityId: String, data: Map[String, Any], preserve: Boolean | [7,"OB_EV54952",{"eventId":"OB_EV54952","homeScore":"2"}, false] |
10 | FenixGetEntityReq | Given the entityId returns the value associated to that entityId | entityId: String | [10,"OB_EV54952"] |
11 | FenixGetEntityResp | Is the response message for request operation code 10 | offset: Long, entityId: String, data: Map[String, Any] | [11,1001,"OB_EV54952","{"eventId":"OB_EV54952","homeScore":"2"}"] |
12 | FenixGetEntityFieldReq | Request the value of a specific field of an entity | entityId: String, field: String | [12,"OB_EV54952","homeScore"] |
13 | FenixGetEntityFieldResp | Response message for oepration code 12 | offset: Long, entityId: String, field: String, value: Any | [13,1002,"OB_EV54952","homeScore","2"] |
20 | FenixTopicSubscribe | Subscribes for event associated to a specific topic. A topic can be an entityId or a field of an entityId (entityId/field) | topic: String | [20,"OB_EV54952"] or [20,"OB_EV54952/homeScore"] |
21 | FenixTopicSubscribeAck | Ackowledge message associated to a subscribe request op. code 20 | topic: String | [21,"OB_EV54952"] or [21,"OB_EV54952/homeScore"] |
22 | FenixTopicUnsubscribe | Remove the subscription from a topic | topic: String | [22,"OB_EV54952"] or [22,"OB_EV54952/homeScore"] |
23 | FenixTopicUnsubscribeAck | Ackowledge message associated to a unsubscribe request op. code 21 | topic: String | [23,"OB_EV54952"] or [23,"OB_EV54952/homeScore"] |
101 | FenixCreateEntityEvent | Notification event associated to command op. code 1 | offset: Long, entityId: String, data: Map[String, Any] | [101,1002,"OB_EV54952","{"eventId":"OB_EV54952","homeScore":"2"}"] |
102 | FenixUpdateEvent | Notification event associated to command op. code 2 | offset: Long, entityId: String, field: String, value: Any | [102,1003,"OB_EV54952","homeScore","3"] |
103 | FenixRemoveEvent | Notification event associated to command op. code 3 | offset: Long, entityId: String | [103,1004,"OB_EV54952"] |
104 | FenixAddEvent | Notification event associated to command op. code 4 | offset: Long, entityId: String, field: String, values: Set[Any] | [104,1005,"OB_EV54952","homePlayers",["Edgar Davids","Alessandro Del Piero","Luis Figo"]] |
105 | FenixDelEvent | Notification event associated to command op. code 5 | offset: Long, entityId: String, field: String, values: Set[Any] | [105,1006,"OB_EV54952","homePlayers",["Luis Figo"]] |
106 | FenixClearEvent | Notification event associated to command op. code 6 | offset: Long, entityId: String | [106,1007,"OB_EV54952"] |
107 | FenixMergeEntityEvent | Notification event associated to command op. code 7 containing the keys to be updated with their values and (optionally) the keys to be deleted | offset: Long, entityId: String, updates: Map[String, Any], deletes: List[String] | [107,1007,"OB_EV54952",{"homeScore":"3"},["homePlayers"]] |
Entity name: "OB_EV54952" Entity field: "homePlayers", value: "0711DJR"
[11,0,"OB_EV54952",{"homeScore":"0"}] //--> RESPONSE
[4,"OB_EV54952","homePlayers",["Luis Figo","Alessandro Del Piero","Zlatan Ibrahimović"]]
[104,1,"OB_EV54952","homePlayers",["Luis Figo","Alessandro Del Piero","Zlatan Ibrahimović"]] //--> NOTIFICATION AFTER SUBSCRIPTION TO OB_EV54952
[5,"OB_EV54952","homePlayers",["Luis Figo"]]
[105,2,"OB_EV54952","homePlayers",["Luis Figo"]] //--> NOTIFICATION AFTER SUBSCRIPTION TO OB_EV54952
[10,"OB_EV54952"] //<-- FETCH REQUEST
[11,2,"OB_EV54952",{"homePlayers":["Zlatan Ibrahimović","Alessandro Del Piero"]}] //--> FETCH RESPONSE
[2,"OB_EV54952","homeScore","0"] //<-- SET A NEW FIELD FOR ENTITY OB_EV54952
[102,3,"OB_EV54952","homeScore","0"] //--> EVENT NOTIFICATION
[10,"OB_EV54952"] //<-- FETCH REQUEST
[11,3,"OB_EV54952",{"homePlayers":["Zlatan Ibrahimović","Alessandro Del Piero"],"homeScore":"0"}] //--> FETCH RESPONSE
[3,"OB_EV54952","homeScore"] //<-- REMOVE FIELD COMMAND
[103,4,"OB_EV54952","homeScore"] //--> EVENT NOTIFICATION
[10,"OB_EV54952"] //<-- FETCH REQUEST
[11,4,"OB_EV54952",{"homePlayers":["Zlatan Ibrahimović","Alessandro Del Piero"]}] //--> FETCH RESPONSE
[7,"OB_EV54952",{"homeScore":"0","awayScore":"1"},true] //<-- MERGE
[107,5,"OB_EV54952",{"homeScore":"0","awayScore":"1"}] //--> EVENT NOTIFICATION
[10,"OB_EV54952"] //<-- FETCH REQUEST
[11,5,"OB_EV54952",{"homePlayers":["Zlatan Ibrahimović","Alessandro Del Piero"],"homeScore":"0","awayScore":"1"}] //<-- FETCH RESPONSE
[7,"OB_EV54952",{"homeScore":"0","awayScore":"1"}] //<-- OVERRIDE WITH SNAPSHOT
[107,6,"OB_EV54952",{"awayScore":"1"},["homePlayers"]] //--> EVENT NOTIFICATION
[10,"OB_EV54952"] //<-- FETCH REQUEST
[11,6,"OB_EV54952",{"homeScore":"0","awayScore":"1"}] //<-- FETCH RESPONSE
[6,"OB_EV54952"] //<-- CLEAR ENTITY OB_EV54952 REQUEST
[106,7,"OB_EV54952"] //--> EVENT NOTIFICATION
[10,"OB_EV54952"] //<-- FETCH REQUEST
[11,7,"OB_EV54952",{}] //--> FETCH RESPONSE
In order to create a docker container simply run:
$>sbt docker:publishLocal
This will create:
fenix 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT b0cc1dee032d 3 seconds ago 707.3 MB
The container can be started as simple as:
$>docker run --name=fenix fenix:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] [11/14/2015 17:06:40.341] [main] [akka.remote.Remoting] Starting remoting
[INFO] [11/14/2015 17:06:40.515] [main] [akka.remote.Remoting] Remoting started; listening on addresses :[akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551]
[INFO] [11/14/2015 17:06:40.535] [main] [akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://fenix)] Cluster Node [akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551] - Starting up...
[INFO] [11/14/2015 17:06:40.646] [main] [akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://fenix)] Cluster Node [akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551] - Registered cluster JMX MBean [akka:type=Cluster]
[INFO] [11/14/2015 17:06:40.648] [main] [akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://fenix)] Cluster Node [akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551] - Started up successfully
[INFO] [11/14/2015 17:06:40.734] [akkaCluster-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-16] [akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://fenix)] Cluster Node [akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551] - Node [akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551] is JOINING, roles []
2015-11-14 17:06:40 INFO Main$:23 - fenix starting
[INFO] [11/14/2015 17:06:41.719] [akkaCluster-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2] [akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://fenix)] Cluster Node [akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551] - Leader is moving node [akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551] to [Up]
- FENIX_HOST - host to use for binding the remote TCP cluster communication
- FENIX_PORT - port to use for binding the remote TCP cluster communication
- FENIX_SERVERS - list of seed nodes to be contacted to join the cluster in the format :
- MIN_MEMBERS - minimum number of cluster nodes to contact before to start the execution
- sbt universal:packageZipTarball (see http://www.scala-sbt.org/sbt-native-packager/formats/universal.html)