This folder contains three sub-folders that contain ROS packages for simulating the Philos robot. These packages were only tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic. You will need to clone this entire folder to your ROS workspace and compile in order to use them. To install ROS and set up a workspace, check out my setup script. You will also need the Eigen library in order to compile. Note that the library folder name needs to be changed to Eigen otherwise the catkin will throw you an error. Please read on before you attempt to compile.
This package is required for simulation in Gazebo.
This package contains a complete robot description as well as elementary roscontrol parameters for a basic simulation in Gazebo and RViz The two launch files, spawn.launch and rviz.launch can be used.
This package contains motion planning simulation of the robot with MoveIt!. You will need to install MoveIt! onto your system by using sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-moveit
The robot description is exactly the same as in the philos package.
You will likely encounter error upon compilation saying the eigen library is not found. That is because MoveIt! will try to find the library by referring it to eigen3. To address this error, simply use your favorite text editor and replace eigen3 with Eigen. You may have to repeat this for a couple of times in order to successfully compile this package.
Once you have ROS, MoveIt!, and Eigen installed and configured,
cd ./src
git clone
To get the best result, make sure to check out my robot_kinematics program and do some calculations before make any design changes in the robot description.
To launch RViz alone (for quick examination of configuration)
roslaunch philos rviz.launch
To launch Gazebo and RViz
roslaunch philos spawn.launch
To launch MoveIt!
roslaunch philos_moveit_config demo.launch
To launch MoveIt! Setup Wizard
roslaunch philos_moveit_config setup_assistant.launch