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27 Nov 2023

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GFMPW-1 test (gf180mcu)


I will try this with my old solo_squash rpeo.

  1. On MPW9 VM...

    cd ~/anton
    git clone [email protected]:algofoogle/solo_squash
    cd solo_squash

    NOTE: Just use main branch on this repo (others went nowhere, besides maybe rtl-test-gpio-defaults). Note also that tt03p5 and tt04 versions had their own copies of the code, not git submodules, so beware that the source might differ. There are no real code differences between tt03p5 and tt04 versions.

    Source in tt03p5 version is slightly better than HEAD of solo_squash, so I'll copy in tt03p5's solo_squash.v.

  2. Do Verilator sim test:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev
    make sim_random
  3. Create CUP:

    cd ~/anton
    git clone -b gfmpw-1c solo-squash-caravel-v2
    cd solo-squash-caravel-v2
    git switch -c main-gfmpw1
  4. Create my GH repo solo-squash-caravel-v2 then use that as remote "anton":

    git remote add anton [email protected]:algofoogle/solo-squash-caravel-v2.git
    git push -u anton main-gfmpw1
    #NOTE: Expect warnings about mag/user_project_wrapper.mag ewxceeding 50MB.

    In GH, default branch for the repo should already be main-gfmpw1, as this is the only one we pushed to the anton remote.

  5. Do test harden for example project:

    make user_proj_example

    Fails with:

    [INFO]: Using configuration in '../home/zerotoasic/anton/solo-squash-caravel-v2/openlane/user_proj_example/config.json'...
    [INFO]: PDK Root: /home/zerotoasic/asic_tools/pdk
    [INFO]: Process Design Kit: gf180mcuD
    [ERROR]: Standard Cell Library 'gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0' not found in PDK.
  6. Fix up PDK stuff. Before doing that, let's snapshot the MPW9 VM. I could use Uri's simple advice to just do volare ls-remote --pdk gf180mcu (so long as we have volare runnable per Python .venv), and if more info is needed we could've checked out how Matt set up MPW9 per the GHA build script or even just Z2A part 0 manual install. In any case, I'll instead try to use as my guide...

  7. #NOTE: Already set:
    # OPENLANE_ROOT=/home/zerotoasic/asic_tools/openlane
    # PDK_ROOT=/home/zerotoasic/asic_tools/pdk
    export PDK=gf180mcuD
    make setup

    Oh dear, this wrecks my ~/CUP... I guess because of one or more of these env vars:


    These appear to be set near the bottom of ~/.bashrc. I decided to stop this, and restore the VM snapshot.

  8. To keep things simple, let's just replace asic_tools/caravel_user_project with our new repo, and see what happens.

    cd ~/asic_tools
    rm caravel_user_project # My existing version is a symlink so this is easy to remove.
    ln -s ../anton/solo-squash-caravel-v2 caravel_user_project
  9. Try again...

    cd ~/CUP
    export PDK=gf180mcuD
    make setup

    Observations, seemingly all within ~/CUP unless otherwise noted:

    • There is nothing in verilog/dv
    • Deleted caravel subdir to replace it with a new gfmpw-1c clone from
    • Using caravel's Makefile, runs check-env and install_mcw
    • Deletes mgmt_core_wrapper and replaces with mcw-litex-vexriscv
    • Deletes ~/asic_tools/openlane and grabs tag 2023.10.16 -- can't remember what version WAS in there. Docker pulls in its images.
    • Run's caravel's make pdk-with-volare. This does python3 -m pip install --upgrade volare but without venv?
    • Downloads PDK:
      Downloading common.tar.zst… 
      Downloading gf180mcu_fd_io.tar.zst… 
      Downloading gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram.tar.zst… 
      Downloading gf180mcu_fd_pr.tar.zst… 
      Downloading gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0.tar.zst… 
      Downloading gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0.tar.zst… 
    • Replaces mpw_precheck (more Docker images)
    • Approx 13GB of disk space used up
  10. Try hardening user_proj_example again with make user_proj_example. Observations:

    • [WARNING]: OpenLane may not function properly: open_pdks e0f692f46654d6c7c99fc70a0c94a080dab53571
      The version of open_pdks used in building the PDK does not match the version OpenLane was tested on (installed: e0f692f46654d6c7c99fc70a0c94a080dab53571, tested: dd7771c384ed36b91a25e9f8b314355fc26561be)
      This may introduce some issues. You may want to re-install the PDK by invoking `make pdk`.
    • [INFO]: 0 errors found by linter
      [WARNING]: 8 warnings found by linter
    • [WARNING]: There are max fanout violations in the design at the Typical corner. Please refer to '../home/zerotoasic/anton/solo-squash-caravel-v2/openlane/user_proj_example/runs/23_11_27_12_32/reports/signoff/34-sta-rcx_nom/multi_corner_sta.checks.rpt'.
      [INFO]: There are no hold violations in the design at the Typical corner.
      [INFO]: There are no setup violations in the design at the Typical corner.
      [SUCCESS]: Flow complete.
    • 44 steps in total, taking 06:21
  11. Checking reports/signoff/34-sta-rcx_nom/multi_corner_sta.checks.rpt the fanouts aren't great (22/4 worst, 9/4 avg, 38 fanouts total). In reports/signoff/44-antenna_violators.rpt there is also one wire that is 2.23x

  12. --caravel --design user_proj_example --full-summary -- somewhat different from sky130, but nothing I'm really worried out. Big DIEAREA of 19.712mm² though! That can't be right (unless it's counting full chip area inc. padframe) because the configured DIEAREA is only 2.8mmx1.75mm I think (~5mm²):

  13. Now try make user_project_wrapper. Only 30 steps this time. Took 05:20. Also gave fanout violations, but they're /10 and not as severe...?

Adding solo_squash repo as a submodule

  1. Fix up repo (inc. removing old example stuff):
    git rm -rf gds/* mag/* maglef/* sdc/user_proj_example.sdc signoff/user_proj_example
    mkdir gds mag maglef
    touch gds/.keep mag/.keep maglef/.keep
    git add gds mag maglef
    cat <<EOH >>.gitignore
    git commit -am "Remove old example stuff"
    git push
    NOTE: Not sure what to do with sdf/.
  2. Add solo_squash repo as submodule:
    cd ~/CUP/verilog/rtl
    git submodule add solo_squash
  3. ABORT...

I got a successful harden after a few steps...

solo_squash macro at 35% util

...but mucked up the repo a bit, so I'm redoing it, with steps recorded here.

  1. I cloned solo-squash-caravel-v2 again and then deleted more stuff.
  2. Then...
    git submodule add [email protected]:algofoogle/solo_squash verilog/rtl/solo_squash
  3. In solo_squash submodule, commented out the timescale in src/solo_squash.v (and committed that).
  4. Edit each of verilog/includes/* to replace user_proj_example with solo_squash_caravel_gf180, and also include -v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/rtl/solo_squash/src/solo_squash.v in includes.rtl.caravel_user_project
  5. Create verilog/rtl/solo_squash_caravel_gf180.v that will be our top macro and which wraps solo_squash game
  6. Update verilog/rtl/user_defines.v
  7. Replace verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v to instantiate solo_squash_caravel_gf180
  8. Create openlane/solo_squash_caravel_gf180/config.json and, if desired, pin_order.cfg (and reference it in config.json)
  9. Edit openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json and macro.cfg
  10. Update
  11. Run make setup


If cloning the repo anew, remember to do git submodule init and git submodule update.

Harden the main design:

make solo_squash_caravel_gf180

I got fanout warnings. Oh well, let's move on.

Now harden UPW with the macro included:

make user_project_wrapper

There are slew and fanout warnings in this one. Still, it completed.

Next steps

  • Run pre-check
  • Try doing a submission to Efabless
  • Copy tests from old solo-squash-caravel; fix LA[0] in firmware and test runner, and adapt frame image capture from raybox-zero
  • Try SDC file per this (at the bottom)
  • Consider top-level timing check per this.

Stuff to try out using solo_squash design

  • Compare solo_squash_caravel.v to TT03p5 wrapper
  • un/registered outputs
  • reset source?
  • muxing
  • NOTE: Need to have simulation testbench!
  • NOTE: Might need to make my own SDC files, esp. to replace user_project_wrapper.sdc!

Overall projects for possible combined GFMPW-1

  • vga_spi_rom
  • solo_squash
  • raybox-zero
  • lzc_fast
  • reciprocal
  • raybox-zero upgraded (speed-safer. more IO use)
  • simple analog test
  • ring osc and other directly instantiated cell chains