Write the necessary HTML to make the website match the layout provied.
Using the completed stylesheet and copy included in the index.html file, mark-up the content so that it reflects the fully fleshed-out site presented in layout.jpg. All of the required CSS has been included in main.css, font-awesome.min.css, and the linked Google Font.
You will be required to use the Font Awesome library to implement the icons in the lower section of the page. The CSS has been linked for you, so adding an icon is as easy as assigning the class "fa" and the specific icon class, e.g. fa-instagram, to an element. The specific classes we used are:
- fa-area-chart
- fa-bar-chart
- fa-pie-chart
- fa-signal
- fa-th
- fa-line-chart
More information can be found here: https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
NOTE You should only edit index.html.
NOTE See layout.jpg for what the correctly coded site should look like.
Your code will be graded based on the following criteria:
- Is it functional?
- Is it efficient use of code?
- Is it written consistently with the rest of the code base?