A Bootstrap 4.3.1 boilerplate with font-awesome, sass, gulp 4 tasks, browserSync (with hot-reloading). You can override bootstrap sass variables by placing those variables in bootstrap-4-sass-gulp-4-boilerplate/assets/scss/_bootstrap_variable_overrides.scss
Install Gulp cli
$ npm install --global gulp-cli
Clone repository:
git clone https://github.com/JayeshLab/bootstrap-4-sass-gulp-4-boilerplate.git
Change directory:
cd bootstrap-4-sass-gulp-4-boilerplate
Install all dependencies and libraries:
npm install
Run Gulp Task:
- To compile scss to css, minify css and js and build ready for production files in dist folder. -
gulp dev
- Starts a local server with browserSync and hot reloading on changes to files (HTML, SCSS, JS).