Tool for obtaining best primers based on several genomes using evolutionary algorithm
- Select file which further will be used for primer generation
- Select files for checking universality of the primer
- Select files for checking specificity of the primer
- Select layouts
- Run (wrapped):
- primer3 generation
- blastn check
- parsing
- mutation in primers
See example
- data selection
- blast db build
- pipeline run
For blastn db build, you can use
Run python
Generation of primers based on fasta-files and blastn databases. To use it, select one
reference file to generate the initial primer set; blastn base to check primer universality
and cut off multimapping; blastn bases to remove non-specific primers Requires primer3 and
blastn pre-installed
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Input FASTA file for generation. Primers are generated for different
contigs separatly. Only gene-coding regions recommended (.fna)
-tb TRUE_BASE, --true_base TRUE_BASE
Input blastn database path for primer adjusting
-fb [FALSE_BASE ...], --false_base [FALSE_BASE ...]
Input blastn database path for non-specific testing. Wildcards are
not accepted
-c CONTIG_TABLE, --contig_table CONTIG_TABLE
.tsv table with blast db information
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output path
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
number of threads
-ot OUTPUT_TMP, --output_tmp OUTPUT_TMP
Output .tmp dicrectory path for calculations and data processing.
.tmp in output directory as default
Maximum iterations of evolutionary algorithm. 100 by default
-T TOP, --top TOP Top primers to mutate and use in next generation
Mutation probability per position of primer
-S SET_SIZE, --set_size SET_SIZE
Size of mutated primers per primer
-A APPEND, --append APPEND
Append best primers to array in evolutionary algoritm
--primer3 PRIMER3 primer3_core path or command to exec. 'primer3' as default
--blastn BLASTN blastn path or command to exec. 'blastn' as default
--add_set [ADD_SET ...]
file to set of primers to append to initial primer3 generation. empty
by default
primer3 template option. Number of primers to pick
primer3 template option. initial set size per gene
primer3 template option
primer3 template option
primer3 template option
primer3 template option. 2 values sepatated by '-'
--word_size WORD_SIZE
blastn template option
--reward REWARD blastn template option
--penalty PENALTY blastn template option
--gapopen GAPOPEN blastn template option
--gapextend GAPEXTEND
blastn template option
--evalue EVALUE blastn template option
--max_mismatch MAX_MISMATCH
primer_check template option. maximum avialable mismatch
--multimap_max MULTIMAP_MAX
primer_check template option. maximum multimapped hits
--negative_max NEGATIVE_MAX
primer_check template option. maximum negative hits
--min_ident MIN_IDENT
primer_check template option. minimal identity, percent