Welcome to the Expense Tracker App! This is your go-to application for managing your daily expenses with ease. Keep track of your spending and savings like never before. 🌟
🎨 UI inspired by the work of Erkin Gadzhiev. Check out his Wallie Budget Tracking App project on Behance.
- Intuitive UI: The app is built using Jetpack Compose, bringing a seamless and modern user interface.
- Reactive Programming: Utilizes Kotlin Flow for smooth data handling and UI updates.
- Dependency Injection: Hilt is used for efficient and clean dependency injection.
- Local Storage: Room is utilized for robust local database management.
- Data Persistence: Proto DataStore for key-value data storage.
- Theming: Supports both light and dark themes, with dynamic theming.
- Material Design: Fully implemented according to Material 3 guidelines.
- Navigation: Smooth navigation experience with animations.
- Android
- Kotlin
- Jetpack Compose
- Kotlin Flow
- Hilt
- Room
- Proto DataStore
- Material 3
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/fontaipi/expense-tracker.git
Open the project in Android Studio.
Build and run the project on an emulator or actual device.
If you find any bugs or have a feature request, please open an issue. Contributions are more than welcome.