🕸️ an (experimental) portable, small and fast Lua web server runtime aiming at providing native OS APIs
- 🌐 Web server
- 📚 Lua runtime
- 💻 native OS APIs
- 🚀 Blazingly fast (duh...)
-- !strict
route("/", function(req, res)
local x = "world"
-- Create response body
local response_body = "hello, " .. x .. ", you called from " .. req.path .. ", status: " .. res.status .. ", method: " ..
req.method .. ", protocol: " .. req.protocol
-- Add body if method is POST
if req.method == "POST" then
response_body = response_body .. ", body: " .. req.body
-- Set status so we can test if it works!
res.status = 299
return response_body
route("/battery-level", function(req, res)
local level = getBatteryLevel()
if level then
return "Battery level: " .. level .. "%"
return "Could not get battery level :("
then do ludo ./example.lua
to run the server. You'll then be able to query the web server at http://localhost:5555/
and http://localhost:5555/battery-level
curl http://localhost:5555/ --data "hi there :)"
curl http://localhost:5555/battery-level
should return:
hello, world, you called from /, status: 200, method: POST, protocol: HTTP11, body: hi there :)
Battery level: 100.0%
This is an experimental project, and currently the only implemented OS API is the battery level on macOS only.
- Add more OS APIs
- Add more documentation
- Add more examples
- Add more benchmarks
- Add JSON support
- Add markdown support
- Make it easy to write a personal blog / website