# Tell git who you are so that your name appears properly in git commit changelog
git config --global user.name "MyFirstName MyLastName"
git config --global user.email [email protected]
# And tell git you want branch matching semantics
git config --global push.default matching
git maintainers maintain git with this topic branch workflow https://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/git/git-doc/howto/maintain-git.html
- manually upload your ssh public key to your gitlab profile here https://gitlab.com/profile/keys
cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub | pbcopy
- clone lsweb and checkout LS_Stable_v3.0
git clone [email protected]:streambox/lsweb.git
cd lsweb
git branch --all # inspect what branches where just cloned (for shits and giggles)
git checkout --track origin/LS_Stable_v3.0
cd lsweb
git checkout card71
# move/rebase my card71 commits onto the tip of stable LS_Stable_v3.0
git rebase LS_Stable_v3.0
# show me the commits on this card71 branch:
git log --decorate --pretty=tformat:'%h %d %ar %s' master...card71
sha1=$(git merge-base LS_Stable_v3.0 card71)
git reset --soft $sha1
git commit --amend
git push --force
Upload your ssh public key to gitlab (same step as step 1 in how to checkout lsweb)
# Work on master branch to simplify workflow since we're not even at
# version 1.0 yet. Normally though, working on master branch is BAD,
# since mutual agreement is master is stable.
# When we think we're somewhat stable then we can squash master and
# start forking topic branches from master.
git clone [email protected]:streambox/bcewebui.git
cd bcewebui
git checkout --track origin/master
# verify what branch I'm on now
git branch
# edit, edit, edit
git commit -am "Fix stuff"
git push
# realize need to fix more stuff...edit, edit...think...edit, edit...oh
# duh! done
git commit -am "Fix more stuff"
git push
# check for upstream changes from other humans on master branch (my
# current branch)
git fetch
# check what upstream humans changed to see how they affected master
# branch:
git diff --color ..origin/master
# their changes look ok, merge the changes from upstream to my local
# master
git merge origin/master
git push
- tig shows history really nicely
# osx:
brew install tig
I have modified files that are known to git and some fils that aren't yet in git. I want to commit only the modified files.
# commit modified files only
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=M | xargs git add
# show me the files that git doesn't know aobut
git status
git ls-files -o --directory .
# verify what branch I'm on, so I don't commit new files to master
git branch
# ok, i'm on a test branch and those files look right lets add them to git
git ls-files -o --directory . | xargs git add
This will replace the bce foundation with masterls, so the bce story will sit on top of masterls branch. It doesn't merge bce story onto masterls branch.
git fetch
[ -z "$(git show-ref refs/heads/masterls)" ] && git checkout -t origin/masterls || git checkout masterls
git reset --hard origin/masterls
git checkout bce
git reset --hard origin/bce
git rebase masterls
git push --force
I want to fix a production bug, how can I create a topic/story branch to do hack on in order to fix it?
- make sure there aren't any uncommited changes
- create topic branch (suppose you call it 'ghostfix') based off origin/masterls, then
- add an upstream tracking branch so that future pulls/pushes will track with origin/ghostfix
git status #verify there aren't any uncommited changes
git fetch # see Note1 below
git checkout -t origin/masterls || git checkout masterls # See Note2
git reset --hard origin/masterls
git checkout -b ghostfix masterls
git push -u origin ghostfix
Note1: Bring my origin/masterls in sync with remote origin/masterls. If I didn't do this, then I'd have to git checkout ghostfix && git rebase masterls later.
Note2: '|| git checkout masterls' in case masterls branch already exists
# Create integration branch lm/puls starting at known good state masterls
git checkout -b lm/puls masterls
git push -u origin lm/puls
# Merge lm/geoip into lm/puls and push to origin:
git merge --no-edit --no-ff lm/geoip
# Merge origin/lm/betterBeta into lm/puls:
git merge --no-edit --no-ff origin/lm/betterBeta
git push
# Check out how far lm/puls has advanced ahead of masterls:
# From this log its clear that lm/puls is just two topics ahead of masterls
git log --decorate --pretty=tformat:'%h %d %ar %s' --first-parent --reverse -30
# Test changes on tl1:
ssh tl1
cd /c
git fetch --prune
git checkout -- . # delete all uncommited changes in /c
git checkout -t origin/lm/puls
# Now back on iMac:
# Oops, not fixed, yet, needs more changes to lm/geoip:
git checkout lm/geoip
# vi sls.php
git commit -am "Puppies are edible as well as fun"
git push # push lm/geoip to origin/lm/geoip
# Test how it works in integration branch lm/puls to see how the two
# topics lm/betterBeta and lm/geoip work together:
git checkout lm/puls
git merge --no-edit --no-ff lm/geoip
git push # push lm/puls to origin/lm/puls
# Repeat the cycle...over and over and over until you're confident
# OK, i'm done with lm/geoip and I've observed it plays nicely with
# lm/betterBeta, now lets clean the history of lm/puls:
git checkout lm/puls
git reset --hard masterls
git merge --no-edit --no-ff lm/geoip
git merge --no-edit --no-ff lm/betterBeta
# See how lm/puls is now just two topics ahead of masterls
git log --decorate --pretty=tformat:'%h %d %ar %s' --first-parent --reverse -30
From http://stackoverflow.com/a/5816177
Here we are searching the git commits themselves for a string (not the git log messages).
# Search for string in all branches
git log --source --all -S <whatever>
# Search for function writeLogToDrive(), but you don't remember the exact
# name of function. Param -G take regular expresssion:
git log --decorate --pretty=tformat:'%h %d %an %ar %s' --source --all -i -G 'write.*log'
# Ok, suppose you get back sha1 35c0a90, then what did the commit that
# introduces that function look like:
git show --color 35c0a90
# and what branch(s) does that commit live in:
git branch --all --contains 35c0a90
From http://gitster.livejournal.com/30195.html
Here we are searching the git log messages (not the git commits).
# This finds the commits that happened within the last month and mentioned
# either frotz or nitfol in their commit log messages
git log --grep=frotz --grep=nitfol --since=1.month
# This will show commits that mention frotz and written by Linus
git log --all-match --grep=frotz --author=Linus