Stack: PHP7, Laravel5, MySQL, Bash
To install the required dependencies run
$ apt-get install composer php mysql-server php-mbstring php-dom php-zip php-intl php-fpm php-mysql php-intl
on the command line.
Edit config/ftp.php
for FTP connection details and config/database.php
for database credentials.
$ composer install
$ php artisan migrate
To start the import run $ ./import
on the command line and it will import the catalog updates and KTEXT and CBILD annotations. Ideally you would prepare a cronjob that runs this command for you (at least once a day).
To generate the CSV files run $ ./export
on the command line.
If the export has finished successfully, the CSV files will be zipped in the folder storage/app/export
Fatal errors are written into storage/logs/laravel.log
. Depending on how much memory is available to your PHP installation the script will die because of memory exhaustion. This is simply because PHP is not meant to do long operations, there is no real fix for this. If this happens during an import it's not much of an issue, as the PHP script will be restarted by the bash script. If it happens during an export the export will have to be repeated. So far this hasn't happend during the testing phase.
The two significant tables are libri_products
and fairmondo_products
. libri_products
is the up-to-date table which contains all the significant data for each product that had a record in the catalog updates. fairmondo_products
contains all the products that have already been exported, so it should contain the same information as the marketplace. When running an export, all the products in libri_products
are converted into fairmondo_products
and written into CSV files which are ready to be imported into the Fairmondo Marketplace.
From the Libri Catalog all products will be offered that meet the following conditions:
- ProductReference is not Null
- DistinctiveTitle is not Null
- ProductForm is either 'BA', 'BB', 'BC', 'BG', 'BH', 'BI', 'BP', 'BZ', 'AC', 'AI', 'VI', 'VO', 'ZE', 'DA', 'DG' or 'PC'
- AvailabilityStatus is either 20,21 or 23
- AudienceCodeValue is not 16, 17 or 18
A title may be ordered when: 1. ProductAvailability = 20 2. ProductAvailability = 22 and AvailabilityCode = TO 3. ProductAvailability = 23 and AvailabilityCode = MD otherwise the title needs to be deleted if it exists in the database.
Note: in the database "ProductAvailability" is stored in the column "AvailabilityStatus"
| AvailabilityStatus | count(*) |
| 0 | 5 |
| 1 | 384 |
| 10 | 49080 |
| 11 | 1144 |
| 20 | 973607 | Available
| 21 | 9 | Available from us as a stock item
| 22 | 1482714 | Available as Special Order
| 23 | 4668051 | Available as Print on Demand - don't include in FairmondoBooks
| 30 | 2618 |
| 31 | 8282 |
| 32 | 2565 |
| 33 | 39349 |
| 41 | 1618 |
| 42 | 26 |
| 43 | 47905 |
| 44 | 263 |
| 45 | 952 |
| 46 | 17 |
| 47 | 1044 |
| 50 | 21 |
| 51 | 101334 |
| 99 | 26720 |
| AvailabilityCode | count(*) | Description Notes
| NULL | 567791 |
| AB | 373 | Cancelled Publication abandoned after having been announced
| AD | 269 | Available direct from publisher only Apply direct to publisher, item not available to trade
| CS | 2 | Availability uncertain Check with customer service
| EX | 48953 | No longer stocked by us Wholesaler or vendor only
| MD | 796776 | Manufactured on demand May be accompanied by an estimated average time to supply
| NP | 49080 | Not yet published MUST be accompanied by an expected availability date
| NY | 1144 | Newly catalogued, not yet in stock Wholesaler or vendor only: MUST be accompanied by expected availability date
| OF | 999 | Other format available This format is out of print, but another format is available: should be accompanied by an identifier for the alternative product
| OI | 39381 | Out of stock indefinitely No current plan to reprint
| OP | 101302 | Out of print Discontinued, deleted from catalogue
| OR | 1620 | Replaced by new edition This edition is out of print, but a new edition has been or will soon be published: should be accompanied by an identifier for the new edition
| RF | 26719 | Refer to another supplier Supply of this item has been transferred to another publisher or distributor: should be accompanied by an identifier for the new supplier
| RP | 2563 | Reprinting MUST be accompanied by an expected availability date
| TO | 1482714 | Special order This item is not stocked but has to be specially ordered from a supplier (eg import item not stocked locally): may be accompanied by an estimated average time to supply
| TP | 1557 | Temporarily out of stock because publisher cannot supply Wholesaler or vendor only
| TU | 9343 | Temporarily unavailable MUST be accompanied by an expected availability date
| WS | 17 | Withdrawn from sale Typically, withdrawn indefinitely for legal reasons
Note: Code (IP Available In-print and in stock) isn't represented in libri_products