manga-lib is a library that allows you to easily scrape manga content from various websites.
- Scrapes manga chapters, titles, images, and other metadata.
- Supports multiple popular manga websites (updating).
- Provides a simple and intuitive API for easy integration.
Install the library using npm:
npm i manga-lib
Here's an example of how to use manga-lib in your code:
const { Manga, MangaType } = require('manga-lib');
// Create a new instance of the manga site, MangaType.NETTRUYEN is currently support for
const manga = new Manga().build(MangaType.TOONILY);
// Create a new instance with custom url
const manga = new Manga().build(MangaType.TOONILY, {
baseUrl: '',
// Get list latest manga
const latest = await manga.getListLatestUpdate();
const latest_page_2 = await manga.getListLatestUpdate(2);
// Retrieve the manga details
const detail_manga = await manga.getDetailManga(
// Get data chapter
const data_chapter = await manga.getDataChapter(
// Search manga
const search_manga = await'one piece');
The manga-lib currently supports the following manga websites (updating):
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or would like to suggest enhancements, please submit a pull request or open an issue in the GitHub repository.