I'm Ilyas, a passionate Developer based in India. I'm comfortable with ReactJS, TailwindCss for Frontend and Django, DRF and FastAPI for Backend (and always learning more). I would love to build Web Applications with robust features.
Do you have a idea in mind? I will be happy to collaborate. Reach me at [email protected] or visit my website.
- Working as a python full-stack developer.
- Looking to collaborate with like-minded people to learn more
- Huslting and improving.
⚡ Recent GitHub Activity
- ❗️ Opened issue #511 in Sangwan5688/BlackHole
- 🎉 Merged PR #1 in ilyasbabu/france-football-mulearn-pygrammer
- 💪 Opened PR #83 in Harshika9415/Hacktoberfest2022
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