We scraped https://food.raj.nic.in/DistrictWiseCategoryDetails.aspx to get transaction level ration card data along with all the details about the beneficiary.
The quantitative data are available to researchers with an approved IRB request at the Harvard Dataverse at: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/FIFZEX
The rural and urban files are separately stored. The data are nested with each layer stored in a separate file.
The Urban data is structured as follows: State -> District -> Nagarpalika -> Ward -> FPS -> Ration Card -> Ration Card Data -> Ration Card Transactions
The Rural data is structured as follows: State -> District -> Panchayat -> Village -> FPS -> Ration Card -> Ration Card Data -> Ration Card Transactions
If you wanted to see a sample image of a webpage for each step of the sequence, look at img/
We have the photos of the beneficiaries also. But given the size, they are hosted on GCS.
Suriyan Laohaprapanon and Gaurav Sood