Table of Contents
Welcome to my personal photography portfolio website repository! This project serves as a showcase of my passion for photography, providing a platform for me to exhibit my work, share my experiences, and connect with fellow photography enthusiasts. Whether you're an avid photographer, a potential client, or simply someone interested in visual storytelling, this website offers a glimpse into my creative journey through the lens.
Portfolio Showcase: Explore a curated collection of my best photographs, categorized by themes, styles, and locations. Each image tells a unique story, capturing moments in time, landscapes, and emotions.
Contact & Collaboration: Interested in collaborating on a project or just saying hello? Use the social media links to get in touch with me directly.
Responsive Design: The website is designed to be accessible across all devices, ensuring a seamless and visually appealing experience whether you're browsing on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
Performance Optimization: I've taken care to optimize the website's performance, ensuring fast loading times so you can enjoy the visuals without delay.
This section list the major frameworks/libraries used to bootstrap this project.
- Add
- Implement Dark Mode
Javian Ng - @j_avianzz
Project Link: