When we have a network of nodes and want to ship a package from a node to any other one at the optimal (lowest) cost, we need to find out the shortest path between them. Therefore, considering the difficulty of shipping a package between the nodes and that exists only positive weight between nodes, we use the Dijkstra's Algorithm to solve this problem. To calc the shipment of a package with a certain weight and dimensions at a fixed cost, we use the following formula:
shipping cost (EUR) = sqrt(sum(HARD)) * normalized weight (kg)
A normalized package weight is the greater value of an actual weight or a volumetric weight. A volumetric weight is calculated using the following formula rounding up to the nearest 0,5:
Width x Length x Height (cm) / 5000 = Volumetric Weight (kg)
As it's a Java program we can compile it using your favorite IDE or a command line. This is a simple and easy way to compile the program:
$machine: javac logistic-price/*.java
Afterwards, we'll have the program ready to be used.
To execute the program we have to follow some steps. First, you have to have a file with a network representation and it has to follow this structure:
SOURCE is the node which has its relations described in the line; TARGET is a node that the SOURCE is connected; WEIGHT is the hardness relationship between the SOURCE and TARGET ; You can see an example below:
Finally, to execute the program you can use the following command:
$machine: java -Xmx100m logistic.price.main.Snippet file_name origin_name target_name package_info
file_name : the name of the file that has the graph represented; origin_name : the name of the origin node from where we want to calc the lowest shipping cost; target_name : the name of the target node to where we want to calc the lowest shipping cost; package_info : the information about the package that we want to ship. Width(cm), Length(cm), Height(cm), Weight(g). This one we have to use the following format:
Width x Length x Height x Weight , for example, 26x10x5x400