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Appendix R MEBAY Controller with RS 485

jgyates edited this page Dec 13, 2024 · 8 revisions

MEBAY Controller With RS-485 Interface Examples

The article details the setup for using genmon with a MEBAY controller with various types of RS-485 interfaces. The followinng interfaces are used:

Controller Settings

The MEBAY controller settings that needs to be changed are related to the controller's RS-485 port. The CRC must be set to CRC:L_H and the modbus address must be set to to a value (do not use 1 or 255 as they may be reserved) that matches the genmon setting. In genmon you set the modbus address of the controller on the Advanced Settings page in the web interface (double click the gear icon in the upper right of the web interface to access the Advanced Settings page). The value in the in this example is 16 decimal. Genmon uses hexadecimal notation for modbus addresses so you would use a value of 10 (hexadecimal) on the Advanced Setting page.

MEBAY Controller Settings

NOTE: The following connection examples can be applied to other controllers besides MEBAY however you would need to make sure the modbus address and data rate (for direct serial connections) match the settings assigned to genmon for these two parameters.

Direct Serial Connection Using RS-485

The RS-485 cable connections from the pi based HAT to the controller should look like this:

 A <---> A
 B <---> B

NOTE: No roll or crossover in the cable.

Using the Waveshare CAN HAT

In this configuration the controller is directly connected to the Raspberry Pi via a Waveshare Rs-485 CAN HAT.

The RS-485 CAN HAT uses the built in serial port. In this instance the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 was used for testing. The genmon setup script will make the needed changes to enable the Raspberry Pi built in serial port. The HAT will provide automatic RS-485 transmitter enable / disable. The terminating resistors should be enabled via the physical switch on the HAT. The RS-485 electrical specification requires that the cable have around a 100 ohm terminating resistor on each end of the cable which is taken care of by the HAT via this physical switch on the board.

The instructions for the HAT mention the enabling of the SPI based CAN driver. Sine genmon does not use the CAN protocol this step is not needed but it is provided here for completeness.

Edit the file sudo nano /boot/config.txt or /boot/firmware/config.txt, depending on the version / distribution of the OS:

 sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt

The install script for genmon creates the symbolic links for the built in serail port: /dev/ttyAMA0 - >/dev/serial0.

With the HAT connected to the conttoller you can read modbus registers with these commands:

 sudo ./genenv/bin/python3 ./OtherApps/ -r 19200 -p /dev/ttyAMA0 -a 10 -s 4096 -e 4191


 sudo ./genenv/bin/python3 ./OtherApps/ -r 19200 -p /dev/serial0 -a 10 -s 4096 -e 4191

Note that the program requires that genmon not be running. Note that the modbus address (-a 10) in the above command line is 10 hexadecimal, which matches the 16 decimal in the MEBAY controller setup. Your modbus address must match in the controller and genmon setting. The serial data rate also must match the controller settings. This example uses 19200. Genmon uses 9600 by default but this can be changed on the advanced settings page.

Using the Waveshare Isolated RS-485, RS-232 HAT

In this configuration the controller is directly connected to the Raspberry Pi via a Waveshare Isolated RS-485 / RS-232HAT.

The Isolated RS-485 / RS-232 HAT uses the built in SPI port as a serial port.

To enable the SPI based serial port the following changes to the config.txt file are needed. Edit the file sudo nano /boot/config.txt or /boot/firmware/config.txt, depending on the version / distribution of the OS:

 sudo nano /boot/config.txt or /boot/firmware/config.txt
 sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt

This creates /dev/ttySC0 RS-485 port and /dev/ttySC1 RS-232 port.

To test the RS-485 port type:

 sudo ./genenv/bin/python3 ./OtherApps/ -r 19200 -p /dev/ttySC0 -a 10 -s 4096 -e 4191

Note that the program requires that genmon not be running. Note that the modbus address (-a 10) in the above command line is 10 hexadecimal, which matches the 16 decimal in the MEBAY controller setup. Your modbus address must match in the controller and genmon setting. The serial data rate also must match the controller settings. This example uses 19200. Genmon uses 9600 by default but this can be changed on the advanced settings page.

Using a USB based RS-485 Adapter

When Using the DTECH USB to RS422 RS485 Serial Port Converter Adapter Cable, after plugging in the adapter you can test port settings Baud: 19200, Data bits: 8, Party: None, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: none

To test type:

 sudo ./genenv/bin/python3 ./OtherApps/ -r 19200 -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -a 10 -s 4096 -e 4191

Note that the program requires that genmon not be running. Note that the modbus address (-a 10) in the above command line is 10 hexadecimal, which matches the 16 decimal in the MEBAY controller setup. Your modbus address must match in the controller and genmon setting. The serial data rate also must match the controller settings. This example uses 19200. Genmon uses 9600 by default but this can be changed on the advanced settings page.

Using Serial over TCP

When using a serial to TCP converter the setup will vary depending on the model converter used. Below are settings for the PUSR USR-W610 and the Waveshare RS232/485 to WfFi / Ethernet.

NOTE: The PUSR USR-W610 and Waveshare RS232/485 TO WIFI ETH setup web pages look the same, likely because the are made by the same manufacture.

The following are screenshots of the Serial to TCP converters:

Application Settings 1:

Application WiFi UART Settings 1

Application Settings 2:

Application WiFi UART Settings 2

Mode Selection:

Mode Selection

STA Interface Settings:

STA Interface Settings

WiFi Settings for STA Mode:

Wifi Settings for STA ModeSTA Interface Settings

Command used to test:

 sudo ./genenv/bin/python3 ./OtherApps/ -i -t 8899 -a 10 -s 4096 -e 4195

NOTE: Note that the program requires that genmon not be running. Note that the modbus address (-a 10) in the above command line is 10 hexadecimal, which matches the 16 decimal in the MEBAY controller setup. Your modbus address must match in the controller and genmon setting. The IP address and port number must match the serial to TCP converter settings. The IP and port number must also match the genmon settings on the Setting page in the web interface.

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