EditDidWhat javascript library
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Compare two strings to see what has changed, and perform some string manipulation. Used to see what the user changed in a text input field (single- or multiline), and then act accordingly.
No future updates are planned. Feel free to continue using it, but expect no support.
Developed to provide several different autocomplete features in a multiline free-text address input fields.
- Changes on the first line would autocomplete the full address from users' most used addresses.
- Changes on the lines after the first line matching
- the start of a street name would autocomplete the street name.
- a complete street name would autocomplete/suggest valid street numbers.
- zip codes would autocomplete the city name.
: Even lines that start with digits are autocompleted with names matching these digits.
EditDidWhat works best with smaller changes, such as single key strokes.
var previous = "The first line.\nThe text is miispleed.\nWonder what has changed?"
var current = "The first line.\nThe text is corrected.\nWonder what has changed?"
var replaceWith = "But now it has been replaced."
var change = EditDidWhat.detectChange(previous, current);
var diffIndex = EditDidWhat.findDifferenceIndex(previous, current);
var diffLastIndex = EditDidWhat.findLastDifferenceIndex(previous, current);
var diffLineNumber = EditDidWhat.getLineNumberAt(current, diffIndex);
var diffLinePrevious = EditDidWhat.getLine(previous, diffLineNumber);
var diffLineCurrent = EditDidWhat.getLine(current, diffLineNumber);
var diffLineReplaced = EditDidWhat.replaceLine(current, diffLineNumber, replaceWith);
console.log("previous", previous);
console.log("current", current);
console.log("change", change); // EditDidWhat.StatusReplace
console.log("diffIndex", diffIndex); // 28
console.log("diffLineNumber", diffLineNumber); // 1
console.log("diffLinePrevious", diffLinePrevious); // The text is miispleed.
console.log("diffLineCurrent", diffLineCurrent); // The text is corrected.
console.log("diffLineReplaced", diffLineReplaced); // New string with the corrected line replaced.
EditDidWhat does not have any runtime dependencies.
Should be compatible with any javascript-enabled browser. You are encouraged to run the EditDidWhat test suite and then report any issues.
EditDidWhat copyright © 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS). All rights reserved. Released under the BSD license. Developed for PTS by Joel Purra. Your donations are appreciated!