Layout: I ended up using Layout-Card and Card-Mod to change it to a single column with horizontal and vertical cards filled with the individual cards. found some extra settings to remove the vertical scroll bar
Time and Date, I wanted the date above the time and I ened up using two different cards - probably could have used the digital-clock one for both
Location using Life360 and a mushroom template card, the icon changes colour based on battery charge and card-mod to increase the font-size. Kiosk mode used to remove all the extras.
Shopping List: We use alexa shopping list, so first I changed from anylist to todoist and synced the shopping list into HA, unfortunately there is little control over the shopping list card so then I found the todoist card which meant I didnt need to sync the list to home assistant but it is there now! Also I have started playing with the powertodoist version of the card which I will probably move over to.
Energy Now: using energy-flow-plus but about to move over to powerflow plus when I get a chance both from the same developer
Rain radar: weather-radar-card
Live Rain and Wind is coming from my netatmo integration (shared data from neighbour as well!)
Calendar: Atomic Calendar synced to a google shared calendar
Running on a Raspberry Pi, I used Marco Pascucci guide to autostarting a webpage - just remember to take out the --icognito flag otherwise you will spend hours trying to figure out why your settings are not being saved!
I also have mmwave sensor mounted above the monitor so using hass-screenapi I set an automation to detect presence and turn on the monitor.
Credits: Layout Card https://github.com/thomasloven/lovelace-layout-card Card Mod https://github.com/thomasloven/lovelace-card-mod Kiosk Mode https://github.com/NemesisRE/kiosk-mode Remove vertical scroll bar https://community.home-assistant.io/t/unnecessary-scroll-bars-using-views-with-layout-cards-like-horizontal-layout-card/493187/4 Guide to sync alexa to todoist (but use the updated script below) https://community.home-assistant.io/t/sync-your-alexa-todoist-shopping-list-to-the-home-assistant-shopping-list/274277/103 Updated alexa shoppinglist sync https://github.com/fenty17/ha-shopping-list-sync
Todoist-card https://github.com/grinstantin/todoist-card powertodoist-card https://community.home-assistant.io/t/powertodoist-card-lists-kanbans-and-much-more-beta-release/583251/31
Time: https://github.com/fufar/simple-clock-card Date: https://github.com/wassy92x/lovelace-digital-clock
Energy flow: https://github.com/flixlix/energy-flow-card-plus Powerflow:https://github.com/flixlix/power-flow-card-plus
Rain Radar https://github.com/Makin-Things/weather-radar-card
Calendar https://github.com/totaldebug/atomic-calendar-revive
Marcos Guide to starting a raspberry pi into a webpage https://mpascucci.github.io/tutorial/rpi/
Remotely turn on and off the monitor https://github.com/muddyland/hass-screenapi