By Jack Whitehorn
The project is split up into two parts, the frontend (the part you see), and the backend (the bit that handles database calls and the API). For School Bot to work, both must be running.
cd backend
yarn # Install Dependencies
cp .env.example .env # Make a copy of the .env file to store secrets
nano .env # Edit the .env file adding your secrets and tokens
yarn dev # Run
CLIENT_ID: Discord Application Client ID
CLIENT_SECRET: Discord Application Client Secret
GUILD_ID: The ID of the Discord server/ guild you want to bot to be in
BOT_TOKEN: The token of the Discord bot
HTTPS: Run website with HTTPS (Not Working Properly)
LOCAL_FRONTENT: Run frontend and backend under one website, frontend will need to be build seperatly with yarn build
cd frontend
cp .env.example .env # Make a copy of the .env file to store secrets
nano .env # Edit the .env file adding the base URL of the backend server, this is usually http://localhost:8000
yarn # Install dependencies
yarn dev # Run
The project requires a local MongoDB instance to be running, and have a database called school. Because of all the different platforms, I'm just going to link to a guide on how to install MongoDB Server and Compass (a nice GUI for connecting to MongoDB)