App-Specialized Transport for Evolvability, Autonomicity, and Measurability
aSTEAM Project (pronounced like “Ace Team”) develops a transport networking technology for app-specialized Web experience. aSTEAM Project consists of three projects designed for evolvability, measurability, and autonomicity, respectively. The first project implements a continuously evolvable autonomous transmission networking control framework that be easily deployed to the current networks. In the second project, a device profiling system collects application characteristics, quantified user experience, and device profiles from endpoints. Along with the two expected deliverables, the third project investigates analytics techniques to improve Web experience through the autonomous development of transport protocols based on data-driven networking analytics. Ultimately, the projects are converged onto the evolvable, measurable and autonomous transport networking technology that autonomously identifies problems for better Web experience through networking analytics.
For more information on aSTEAM Project, see the project website.
aSTEAM Project is supported by Next-Generation Information Computing Development Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT.
QUIC Datapath Control Module for Chromium.
Tool for Measuring the Effect of Wireless Channel State on Web QoE.
Switch Queue Monitoring Module for Web Applications.
QUIC Stream Scheduling Module for quiche.
Packet Processing Module for Web Applications in Wired-cum-wireless Environments.
Firefox Addon for Web Performance Measurement.
Predictive Prefetching Engine for Web Applications.
Navigation Prediction Model for General Web Applications.
Chromium Structure Tester for Checking Data in Chomium Structure.
Preloaded Script Priority Change Patch for Improving Chromium Page Load Performance.
Preload Scanner Process Tester for Checking Flow in Preload Process.
Data Preprocessor for Web Prefetching.
Dynamic Allocation Module for Improving Utilization of Proxy Server in Web Prefetching.
Intentionality-related Deep Learning Method in Web Prefetching.
Prediction Model for Web Prefetching.
Mininet-based Dumbbell Topology Emulator and Analyzer for AQM Router.
BBR with Actual Congestion.
Delay-Aware BBR Congestion Control Algorithm.
Modified Decrease Mechanism of LIA algorithm.
Q-learning-based Congestion Control Algorithm Model for Linux Kernel.
Real-time TCP Logging and Graph Generation Program.
Traffic Monitoring Applcation for RYU SDN Controller.
Code Obfuscation Program Using Opaque Predicates.
FRAMER: Software-based Capability Model.
Static/Dynamic Library for Run-time Memory/Type Safety.
Equivalence Checker for SDNs.
Run-time Type Confusion Checker for C/C++.
Android Kernel Module for Highly Flexible Profiling System.
Chromium Module for Highly Flexible Profiling System.
Data Commnunication Library between Web Pages for Device-to-device Event Analysis System.
Signaling Server for Device-to-device Event Analysis System.
Web Load Emulator for Experimental Large-scale User Experience Evaluation.
Environment-independent Web QoE Measuring Tool.
RESTful API Server for Web QoE Measuring Tool.
Collaborative Filtering (CF) Updater Module for Analysis in Mobile Networks.
Classifier of Duplicate/Unique Edges in Two Social Networks.
Phishing URL Detection Based on Strings.
User Mobility Data Generator in Mobile Networks.
Intra-inter Edge Identifier based on Community Detection Results.
Location-aware Caching Model via Predicting Heterogeneous File Preferences in Mobile Networks.
Deeplearning-based QoE Prediction Model.
User-content Filter Module via Statistical Analysis of User-content Rating Matrix.
PRank Score based on the Matrix Form.
Status and Spec Export Module for Transport Layer Protocol.
Improved Network Protocol Reverse Engineering.
Deep Learning Based Traffic Type Recognition Module.
Status and Spec Inference Module for Transport Layer Protocol.
Improved Network Protocol State Inference.
Fuzzy Inference Module for Packet Service Type Classification.
Machine Learning Based Protocol Inference Module in SDN Environment.
Anomaly Traffic Filtering Module in SDNs.