This project is forked from arjo129 rustros_tf, MaxiMaerz rustros_tf, smilerobotics/tf_rosrust
Port of tf_rosrust to use roslibrust.
Additional details in tf_roslibrust/
See also RosLibRust/roslibrust#177 and smilerobotics#55
- changes from original code
- fix transformations by MaxiMaerz
- contains ros msg files to run without ros installation
- fix dynamic tf handling
This is a rust port of the ROS tf library. It is intended for being used in robots to help keep track of multiple coordinate frames and is part of a larger suite of rust libraries that provide support for various robotics related functionality.
So far the only the following have been implemented:
and time traversal.TfBroadcaster
to publish/tf
I am still working on the following:
- More efficient cache data structure.
- Weed out
Currently only Ubuntu 18.04 running ROS Melodic on x86_64 is tested. It should work on any linux based system with a proper ROS installation.
Install ROS first. On ubuntu, this can be done like so:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
curl -sSL '' | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop
After installing ROS, you may simply add this crate as a dependency to your cargo project:
tf_rosrust = "0.1"
This product includes copies and modifications of software developed by third parties:
includes copies and modifications of msg packages by ros and tf2_msgs, licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License.
See the license files included in these directories for more details.
The following example shows a simple lookup.
use tf_rosrust::TfListener;
fn main() {
let listener = TfListener::new();
let rate = rosrust::rate(1.0);
while rosrust::is_ok() {
let tf = listener.lookup_transform("camera", "base_link", rosrust::Time::new());