As is the trend, I am joining many others in the programmer's natural fascination with dotfiles; how they're set up, what new toys are hidden in their obscure references, and how much time we can waste putting them all together. My dotfiles are shameful, but they're mine.
All PRs will be considered, but ultimately ignored. If you decide to use them, I'm not responsible for what they do to your productivity.
Run just
to see available recipes:
$ just
Available recipes:
hooks # Set up git hooks so that things are committed the way we want
symlink # Symlink files
backup # Backup packages, casks, and plugins
sort # Sort keybindings (and eventually other things)
Installing this stuff will get you the following:
- A Fish configuration that I'm pretty fond of (and am currently using).
- A ZSH configuration that I'm pretty fond of (and am not currently using).
- All of the tools/casks that I use on the daily (check out the Brewfile, there's a lot of them)
I used to keep my neovim configuration here, but I decided to just keep it to its own repo: