FalconUDP is an application level protocol for sending and receiving small messages (one to one thousand or more bytes) frequently (once a minute to hundreds of times a second) to and from one or many connected peers. It has been implemented on top of the Internet User Datagram protocol (UDP).
This is the official .NET implementation, implemented as a .NET Class Library: FalconUDP.dll. Throughout this repository "FalconUDP" is used interchangeably to refer to the protocol or this .NET implementation.
FalconUDP was developed by Gnomic Studios for their multiplayer game Square Heroes: http://www.squareheroes.com/, check it out to see FalconUDP perform!
- Authentication and connection orientated FalconUDP only communicates with previously authenticated peers.
- Reliable and in-order messages Messages can be sent in-order, reliably, both in-order and reliable, or without any reliable and in-order checking and controls. Duplicates are always detected and dropped.
- Minimal overhead FalconUDP adds minimal data to the user-application's data to be sent and received "on the wire" and includes support for "packing" additional user-application packets into existing outgoing messages.
- Latency estimation FalconUDP measures round-trip-times from sending reliable messages till receiving the corresponding ACKnowlodgment, providing one way latency estimation to each connected peer.
- Any Topology User-applications can use their own logical network topology such as Server-Client or Peer-to-Peer, since a "Falcon peer" can have one or more connected peers.
- Discovery FalconUDP peers can "discover" other FalconUDP peers on the same subnet (if a FalconUDP peer is set to accept discovery requests and optionally the request has a valid token).
- NAT Traversal Two FalconUDP peers behind NAT(s) can establish a connection with each other after connecting to third publically accessible server to negotiate the connection.
- Minimal garbage FalconUDP makes extensive use of memory management techniques to avoid creating garbage such as: pooling objects, segmenting buffers from large ones (to prevent heap memory fragmentation) and copying data directly into and out of buffers.
- Statistics Total bytes per second sent and received to/from all remote peers.
- Simulate latency, jitter and packet loss options.
- Currently only IPv4
- No Congestion Control. FalconUDP provides no in-built congestion control.
- No Encryption. FalconUDP has no in-built encryption.
[0] Packet detail byte (see below).
[1] }
[2] } Sequence number as unsigned 16 bit integer
[3] }
[4] } Payload Size as unsigned 16 bit integer
[n] }
... } Payload (if any, i.e. size > 0)
[m] }
[ optional additional packet - if any bytes remain in datagram
[m+1] Packet detail byte (see below).
[m+2] }
[m+3] } Payload Size as unsigned 16 bit integer
[m+4] }
... } Payload (if any, i.e. size > 0)
[o] }
... possible multiple additional packets
[1] }
[2] } Send Options
[3] }
[4] }
[5] }
[6] } Packet Type
[7] }
ACKs are special, they are the same size as a FalonUDP header and have seq, Send Options and Packet Type stored at the same place, however the values have different meanings. A FalconUDP packet can start with an ACK or have them after any application packet within (this is so they can "piggy-back" on existing outgoing datagrams without triggering a new one).
What each FalconUDP header value means in an ACK:
PacketType = Will always be ACK
Sequence No. = Sequence ACK is for
SendOptions = Channel ACK is for (however can be sent on any channel)
Payload size = Undefined
- All numbers in FalconUDP headers are unsigned integers stored in Little-Endian byte order.
- Additional packets are only appended in a Falcon packet if they fit wholley within without packet exceeding MAX_PACKET_SIZE.
- Additional packets have to have the same SendOptions as byte [1] in the Falcon header.
- include packet size and version no. in join request so incompatiable falcon peers cannot join eachother
- peer who is not keepalive master does not get latency updates - should KeepAlive master tell them latency they have for peer?
- consider determining addresses to broadcast to at time of discovery not at startup (could have changed, though it does take time to calc this)
- in addition to above problem more generally local addresses cache should be refreshed when network changes have occured
- quick disconnect when network disconnected
- IPv6 and other underlying protocols support
- Optimistic Reliable congestion controlled delivery