This repository holds an implementation of a solver that solves the 2D-Poisson problem on the unit disc with homogeneous dirichlet boundary conditions. The problem is given by
where the domain is the unit disc,
To install the problem, first make sure that you meet the minimum requirements listed in the file requirements.txt. You should then clone this repository to a designated place on your computer like this. To clone the repository, run these lines in your terminal:
cd navigate/to/your/designated/place
git clone
To use this code, follow these steps:
Navigate to the place where you installed the program
cd navigate/to/your/designated/place/Software-and-computing-for-applied-physics
Run the solver with this command
python <num_nodes> <right_hand_side_function> <verbose>
Where you need to edit <num_nodes>, <right_hand_side_function> and to be like your desired input.
These values are: - num_nodes: number of nodes (and degrees of freedom) in the finite element mesh of the unit circle, it is given as an integer. - right_hand_side_function: The right hand side of the poisson eqution. Given as an input without spaces. - verbose: Boolean variable with a default value of True. Defines whether or not you want printed outputs during the running of the program:
Here is an example run:
python 1000 np.sin(x**2+y**2) True
And here is another (verbose not provided -> verbose takes the default value True):
python 10000 -8*np.pi*np.cos(2*np.pi*(x**2+y**2))+16*np.pi**2*(x**2+y**2)*np.sin(2*np.pi*(x**2+y**2))