The loops are represented as force-free fields with piece-wise constant alpha profiles before onset of linear instability and with linear alpha profiles after helicity-conserving Taylor relaxation. A loop can also be described by a smooth alpha profile.
This code was used to generate the results presented in two papers.
A nanoflare distribution generated by repeated relaxations triggered by kink instability
The Flare-Energy Distributions Generated by Kink-Unstable Ensembles of Zero-Net-Current Coronal Loops
Version 1.0 of the TRoLE code uses the NAG C library, whereas v2.0, the current version, uses the GNU Scientific Library.
The following commands assume that the user is in the trole directory with the source code in ./trole/src. Also, GNU Scientific Library v1.16 must be installed in the default locations (i.e., /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include/gsl).
Setting up the TRoLE environment...
source ./
Compiling TRoLE from within emacs...
emacs makefile & M-x compile make -C ./bin/trole
Debugging TRoLE from within emacs...
M-x gdb gdb --annotate=3 ./bin/trole run ./data/input/exm.txt