Basic project setup based on HTML5 Boilerplate.
- jQuery
- normalize-css
- gulp
- scss
- browser-sync
- htmlhint
- jshint
- stylelint
- nodejs
Install gulp and its plugins:
npm i
Run gulp and start webserver with live-reload:
Development = default.
gulp prod
- update packages
- update packages
- replace scss lint with stylelint
- update packages
- freeze package versions
- add cache to work only with changed files
- add order
- component-based structure for increment building
- generate no-minified files for styles and scripts too
- use uglify for dev and google cc for prod
- change pipe order for styles
- add jsbeautifyrc
- update packages
- add scss lint
- add html hint
- add stylish reporter to js hint
- update packages
- rename replace task
- move main index.html to _dev-root
- add htmlmin for production
- html prettify only for development
- add uncss for production
- update packages
- fix for main js / css
- use google closure compiler
- add stage environment handling
- update packages
- add watcher for package.json
- update packages
- optimize sass error logging
- refactor gulpfile.js
- update packages
- update packages
- use relative paths for detecting new / deleted files
- replace minify-css with cssnano
- add replace tokens function
- update packages
- remove bower
- add browsersync, plumber, prettify, jshint
- restructure gulpfile.js
- add version string replacement.
- initial version.