A Clean and Useful Helper Hook for useFormik
- Show headless Formik examples using useFormik combined with Yup
- Eager validation for all inputs
- Functions for updating key-value pairs
- Normalization of Formik values before sending them to the server
- ...More features will be added over time
- Registered in NPM
npm install headless-formik-helper
- Check comments in the sample code below.
"use client"; import React, {useContext, useEffect, useState} from "react"; import {FormikErrors, FormikHelpers, FormikProps, useFormik} from "formik"; import styles from "./productManagement.module.scss"; import {Button, Text} from "@mantine/core"; import {usePathname, useRouter, useSearchParams} from "next/navigation"; import { ProductType, CreateProductInput, UpdateProductInput, useCreateProductMutation, useFindProductLazyQuery, useRemoveProductMutation, useUpdateProductMutation, } from "@/generated/graphql"; import MemoizedTextInput from "@/components/common/form-input/MemoizedTextInput"; import MemoizedSelect from "@/components/common/form-input/MemoizedSelect"; import {GlobalToastContext} from "@/providers/GlobalToastProvider"; import {UI_COMMON_VALUES} from "@/util/value-util"; import { ExtendedCreateProductInput, ExtendedUpdateProductInput, PRODUCT_CREATE_INITIAL_VALUES, PRODUCT_UPDATE_INITIAL_VALUES, PRODUCT_VALIDATION_SCHEMA, } from "@/components/product/schema/crud-schema"; import {useRecoilState} from "recoil"; import {globalLoadingState} from "@/recoil/common"; import {useIsFirstRender} from "@/hooks/useIsFirstRender"; // 0. Import : headless-formik-helper import {useHeadlessFormikHelper} from "headless-formik-helper"; import {CreateOrUpdateMode} from "headless-formik-helper/dist/types"; const ProductManagement = ({ PK_NAME }: { PK_NAME: string }) => { const searchParams = useSearchParams(); const idForUpdate: number | null = Number(searchParams.get(PK_NAME)); const isFirstRender = useIsFirstRender(); const router = useRouter(); const { sendErrorMsgToGlobalToast, sendSuccessMsgToGlobalToast } = useContext(GlobalToastContext); const [globalLoading, setGlobalLoading] = useRecoilState(globalLoadingState); const [ fetchProduct, { data: fetchProductData, loading: fetchProductLoading, error: fetchProductError, }, ] = useFindProductLazyQuery(); // 1. useFormik const formik: FormikProps< ExtendedCreateProductInput | ExtendedUpdateProductInput > = useFormik<ExtendedCreateProductInput | ExtendedUpdateProductInput>({ initialValues: { ...(idForUpdate ? PRODUCT_UPDATE_INITIAL_VALUES : PRODUCT_CREATE_INITIAL_VALUES), ...fetchProductData?.product }, validationSchema: PRODUCT_VALIDATION_SCHEMA, validateOnMount: false, validateOnChange: true, validateOnBlur: true, enableReinitialize: true }); // 2. **useHeadlessFormikHelper** const { formikValuesChanged, onKeyValueChangeByEventMemoized, onKeyValueChangeByNameValueMemoized, normalizeFormikValues, } = useHeadlessFormikHelper({ formik: formik, eagerValidationInitialOptions: { CREATE_OR_UPDATE: idForUpdate ? CreateOrUpdateMode.UPDATE : CreateOrUpdateMode.CREATE, afterMileSeconds: 0, keyNameToCheckFetchedForUpdate : "id" } }); const isSubmitDisabled = formik === undefined ? false : !(formik.isValid && formik.dirty); const [ createProduct, { data: createProductData, loading: createProductLoading, error: createProductError, }, ] = useCreateProductMutation(); const [ updateProduct, { data: updateProductData, loading: updateProductLoading, error: updateProductError, }, ] = useUpdateProductMutation(); const [ removeProduct, { data: removeProductData, loading: removeProductLoading, error: removeProductError, }, ] = useRemoveProductMutation(); const createOrUpdateProduct = () => { if (formik.values.productType === UI_COMMON_VALUES.SELECT_OPTION_EMPTY) { sendErrorMsgToGlobalToast("Product type is required.", true); return; } // 3. normalizeFormikValues if (!idForUpdate) { createProduct({ variables: { createProductInput: normalizeFormikValues<CreateProductInput>(formik.values), }, onCompleted(data) { sendSuccessMsgToGlobalToast("Product created successfully."); redirectToList(); }, }); } else { updateProduct({ variables: { pickProductInput: { id: idForUpdate }, updateProductInput: normalizeFormikValues<UpdateProductInput>(formik.values), }, onCompleted(data) { sendSuccessMsgToGlobalToast("Product updated successfully."); router.refresh(); }, }); } }; const fetchProductWrapper = () => { if (idForUpdate) { fetchProduct({ variables: { pickProductInput: { id: idForUpdate, }, }, }); } }; const redirectToList = () => { router.push("/products"); }; useEffect(() => { fetchProductWrapper(); }, [idForUpdate]); useEffect(() => { if (idForUpdate && fetchProductData && !fetchProductLoading) { const product = fetchProductData.product; formik.setValues(product); } }, [fetchProductData]); return ( <div className={styles.mainContainer}> <div className={styles.titleContainer}> <span className={styles.title}> Product {!idForUpdate ? "Creation" : "Update"} </span> </div> <form className={styles.form}> <div className={styles.field}> <span> Product Name <span className="required-marker">*</span> </span> <MemoizedTextInput name="name" value={formik.values.name || ""} error={formik.errors.name} touched={formik.touched.name} placeholder="Enter product name" onChange={onKeyValueChangeByEventMemoized} onBlur={formik.handleBlur} /> </div> <div className={styles.field}> <span>Product Type</span> <MemoizedSelect placeholder="Select product type" data={["Physical", "Digital"]} value={formik.values.productType || ""} onChange={(value) => { onKeyValueChangeByNameValueMemoized({ name: "productType", value, }); }} error={formik.errors.productType} touched={formik.touched.productType} /> </div> </form> {formik.values.productType === ProductType.Physical && ( <ProductTypePhysical formik={formik} /> )} {formik.values.productType === ProductType.Digital && ( <ProductTypeDigital formik={formik} /> )} <div className="z-10 flex items-center sticky bottom-0 h-14 w-full bg-white justify-end space-x-2 p-2"> <Button className="w-28" sx={{ color: "black", backgroundColor: "#F6F6F6", "&:hover": { backgroundColor: "#E0E0E0", }, }} onClick={() => redirectToList()} > Cancel </Button> <Button className="w-28" sx={{ backgroundColor: "#26C8B9", "&:hover": { backgroundColor: "#1BAA9A", }, }} onClick={() => { createOrUpdateProduct(); }} disabled={isSubmitDisabled} > {!idForUpdate ? "Create" : "Update"} </Button> </div> </div> ); }; export default React.memo(ProductManagement);
import * as Yup from "yup"; import { ProductType, CreateProductInput, ProductOutput, UpdateProductInput, } from "@/generated/graphql"; import { PRODUCT_CATEGORY_TYPE } from "@/components/product/meta/schema"; import { UI_COMMON_VALUES } from "@/util/value-util"; import { YUP_EMPTY_VALUE_ERROR_MESSAGE } from "@/util/yup-utils"; /* * The purpose of defining these extended types is to accommodate UI-specific requirements that differ from server constraints. * For instance, "productType" is restricted to "Physical" and "Digital" on the server, but the UI may need to allow an empty value for better user experience. */ export type ExtendedCreateProductInput = Omit< CreateProductInput, "productType"> & { productType: ProductType | "-"; }; export type ExtendedUpdateProductInput = Omit< UpdateProductInput, "productType" > & { productType: ProductType | "-"; }; export const PRODUCT_VALIDATION_SCHEMA = Yup.object().shape({ name: Yup.string().required(YUP_EMPTY_VALUE_ERROR_MESSAGE), sku: Yup.string() .required(YUP_EMPTY_VALUE_ERROR_MESSAGE) .matches(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/, "SKU must consist of alphanumeric characters, dashes, or underscores."), category: Yup.mixed<string>().oneOf( Object.values(PRODUCT_CATEGORY_TYPE).map((value) => value.value?.toString()), "Invalid product category." ) .required("Product category is required."), price: Yup.number() .required(YUP_EMPTY_VALUE_ERROR_MESSAGE) .min(0, "Price must be a positive number."), stock: Yup.number() .required(YUP_EMPTY_VALUE_ERROR_MESSAGE) .min(0, "Stock must be a non-negative number."), productType: Yup.mixed<ProductType>() .oneOf(Object.values(ProductType) as ProductType[], "Invalid product type.") .required(YUP_EMPTY_VALUE_ERROR_MESSAGE), description: Yup.string().nullable(), createdAt: Yup.date().nullable(), updatedAt: Yup.date().nullable(), }); export const PRODUCT_CREATE_INITIAL_VALUES = { name: "", sku: "", category: UI_COMMON_VALUES.SELECT_OPTION_EMPTY, // Example: "Electronics" price: 0, // Example: 100 stock: 0, // Example: 50 productType: UI_COMMON_VALUES.SELECT_OPTION_EMPTY, // "Physical" or "Digital" description: "", // Example: "This is a sample product description." createdAt: undefined, updatedAt: undefined, }; export const PRODUCT_UPDATE_INITIAL_VALUES = { name: "", sku: "", category: UI_COMMON_VALUES.SELECT_OPTION_EMPTY, price: 0, stock: 0, productType: UI_COMMON_VALUES.SELECT_OPTION_EMPTY, description: "", createdAt: undefined, updatedAt: undefined, };
The headless-formik-helper
library provides the following utilities to enhance the functionality of Formik forms:
Updates a specific field in Formik using its name and a new value.
}: {
name: keyof T & string;
value: any;
}) => void;
Handles updates for complex structures like arrays or objects with nested fields. Supports actions like adding or removing items.
}: {
name: keyof T & string;
index?: number;
field?: string;
value?: any;
action?: 'add' | 'remove';
newItem?: any;
}) => void;
Normalizes Formik values before sending them to the server, ensuring compliance with backend requirements.
<T extends Record<string, any>>(obj: T) => T;
Marks a specific field in a nested structure as "touched" based on its name, index, and field name.
}: {
name: keyof T & string;
index: number;
field: string;
}) => void;
Handles changes in Formik fields triggered by standard React change events (e.g., <input>
(e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
A memoized version of onKeyValueChangeByNameValue
for optimizing updates to Formik fields.
}: KeyValueChangeByNameValueMemoized<T>) => void;
Indicates whether Formik values have changed from their initial state.
T | boolean;
A memoized version of onKeyValueChangeByEvent
for efficiently handling React change events.
(e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;