SAR ISCE2 offset workflow for CryoCloud
This repository runs ISCE2 denseOffsets via GitHub Actions and stages results for 90 days. These results can be accessed on CyroCloud JupyterHub (or other computers) for analysis and interpretation.
By default the workflow AOI uses a polygon covering shirase glacier in antarctica and you only need to specify the pair of absolute orbits to process:
gh -R relativeorbit/isce2-offsets workflow run pair.yml \
-f reference=052893 \
-f secondary=053418 \
Instead of explicitly identifying a pair of orbits, search ASF and chose one pair per month from all available acquisitions and process them in parallel
gh -R relativeorbit/isce2-offsets workflow run timeseries.yml
ISCE2 does not produce cloud-optimized geotiffs, so it's most efficient to download and work with them locally. NOTE: GitHub workflow artifacts are publically accessible to anyone with a GitHub account.
# Pick a workflow ID (e.g. 8072975855)
gh -R relativeorbit/isce2-offsets run list
# Details on a specific workflow run
gh -R relativeorbit/isce2-offsets run view 8072975855
# Download to temporary scratch space
gh -R relativeorbit/isce2-offsets run download 8072975855 --dir /tmp/052893_053418