This project demonstrates two approaches (v1 & v2) to create an AngularJS and Three.js app. You can view the accompanying presentation on Google Slides.
Both approaches create the same app, a simple 3D model viewer.
- Most common Angular pattern ( docs demonstrate this approach)
- Uses grunt to uglify / minify
- Uses Angular factories, services, filters, directives
- Bootstraps components from ng-controller in DOM
- Prototypal Pattern for Everything!
- Bridge to Angular 2.0
- Controller as (local scope)
- Closure Compilation
- Annotations including @ngInject
- type checking
- --angular_pass
- Dependency chains (goog.provide / goog.require)
- minification
- No closure pattern (factories). Services only.
- App.js initialization for all components.
- Do a
git pull
- You will probably have to install some grunt packages in both the v1 & v2 directories.
- npm install grunt-package-name
- Open up the repo and run a server from the ng-three-viewer/ directory
- grunt serve
- python -m SimpleHTTPServer
- or whatever.
- Compiled Versions:
- /v1/dist/
- /v2/dist/
- Uncompiled Versions:
- /v1/
- /v2/
- From v1/
grunt build
- Joins all library files into libs.js
- Minifies and ngAnnnotates
- Exports the files to /v1/dist/
- Uncomment
- //goog.require('Viewer.Scene'); in app.js
- //goog.require's in scene.js
- From v2/
- Will show any warnings or errors from compilation
- If no errors, it'll output /v2/dist/app.min.js
- Get Protractor:
npm install -g protractor
- Get Selenium:
webdriver-manager update
- Start Selenium server:
webdriver-manager start
- Start the app on localhost:8000. I used
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
. - Run it! cd into test/ directory and run
protractor conf.js
That should launch Chrome and run the tests in it.
- app.js -- page object containing some element locators and functions.
- test.js -- the tests.
- conf.js -- config file where, well, different options can be specified.