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use cargo.locked

use cargo.locked #89

#name: Shardeum Reusable Workflow to trigger an external QA Pipeline
### TODO - This is a copy of the WIP steps to trigger a Jenkins QA job. We pulled this code from the primary
### CI workflow to simplify it and to work on correcting some issues in the QA Job trigger. This workflow
### currently DOES NOT WORK. It can only be manually triggered and that will end in sadness. I'm committing
### this as is because we'll be working on it again in the future and I don't want to lose it in a stale
### branch. I'm going to copy everything out to ensure Github doesn't try to run it and cause a weird error.
### See Linear issues SYS-136 and other Systems and Automation Team linear issues for more info.
### TODO - We should probably make this stuff a little more generic just in case we ever decide to use something other than Jenkins
### I started doing that but haven't finished. There are a few org/repo vars that'll need to be removed and recreated
### All variables must be set at the repo workflow call and provided to this shared/reusable workflow
# workflow_call:
# inputs:
# base-url:
# required: true
# type: string
# qa-job:
# required: true
# type: string
# qa-job-required:
# required: true
# type: boolean
### TODO - not sure if we'll need these permissions or not
# issues: write
# pull-requests: write
# JENKINS_URL: ${{ inputs.jenkins-url }}
# JENKINS_QA_JOB: ${{ inputs.jenkins-qa-job }}
# IS_JENKINS_QA_REQUIRED: ${{ inputs.jenkins-qa-required }}
# debug-info:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# name: Display useful debugging information
# steps:
# - name: Display Event details
# run: |
# echo "Event Name: ${{ github.event_name }}"
# echo "Event Action: ${{ github.event.action }}"
# echo "Event Sender Type: ${{ github.event.sender.type }}"
# - name: Echo Input Values and Check Defaults
# run: |
# echo "*** Start - Check inputs in shared workflow ***"
# echo "Jenkins URL - Var: ${{ vars.JENKINS_URL }} | Input: ${{ inputs.jenkins-url }} | Env: ${{ env.JENKINS_URL }}"
# echo "Jenkins QA Job - Var: ${{ vars.JENKINS_QA_JOB }} | Input: ${{ inputs.jenkins-qa-job }} | Env: ${{ env.JENKINS_QA_JOB }}"
# echo "Jenkins QA Required - Var: ${{ vars.IS_JENKINS_QA_REQUIRED }} | Input: ${{ inputs.jenkins-qa-required }} | Env: ${{ env.IS_JENKINS_QA_REQUIRED }}"
# echo "*** End - Check inputs in shared workflow ***"
### This job is needed to get around the fact that GitHub doesn't let you reference an env in the 'if' for the job
# is-qa-available:
# name: Determine Jenkins Job Requirement
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# outputs:
# run-jenkins: ${{ }}
# steps:
# - name: Check if Jenkins QA job is required
# id: check
# run: |
# if [ -n "${{ env.JENKINS_QA_JOB }}" ]; then
# echo "run-jenkins=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "run-jenkins=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# else
# echo "run-jenkins=false" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "run-jenkins=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# fi
# - name: Log run-jenkins output
# run: |
# echo "run-jenkins: ${{ }}"
# trigger-qa-job:
# name: Trigger QA Job
# needs: [merge-checks, determine-jenkins]
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# if: ${{ github.event_name != 'issue_comment' && == 'true' }}
# steps:
# - name: Echo Input Values and Check Defaults
# run: |
# echo "Jenkins job Required: ${{ env.IS_JENKINS_QA_REQUIRED }}"
# echo "Jenkins job Required: ${{ env.JENKINS_QA_JOB }}"
# - name: Configure
# id: configure
# run: |
### Determine the branch name
# if [ "${{ github.event_name }}" == "pull_request" ]; then
# BRANCH_NAME=${{ github.head_ref }}
# else
# BRANCH_NAME=${{ github.ref_name }}
# fi
### Determine the repository name, prioritize the secret if it exists
# if [ -n "${{ env.REPO_NAME }}" ]; then
# REPO_NAME=${{ env.REPO_NAME }}
# else
# REPO_NAME=$(echo ${{ github.repository }} | cut -d'/' -f2)
# fi
### Capitalize the repository name
# REPO_NAME_CAPITALIZED=$(echo "${REPO_NAME:0:1}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')${REPO_NAME:1}
### Export the environment variables
# - name: Trigger QA Job
# id: trigger_qa_job
# env:
# REPO_NAME: ${{ env.REPO_NAME }}
# run: |
# curl -f -X POST "${JENKINS_URL}/job/${{ env.JENKINS_QA_JOB }}/buildWithParameters?SPECIFY_${REPO_NAME}_BRANCH=true&${REPO_NAME}_BRANCH=${BRANCH_NAME}" \
# --user "${{ secrets.JENKINS_API_CREDS }}"
# continue-on-error: true
# - name: Check if any step failed
# id: check_failure
# run: |
# failed=false
#### Check Jenkins QA job - This just checks that the workflow step passes but will later be configured to wait for the actual Jenkins job to pass/fail
# if [[ "${{ steps.trigger_jenkins_qa_job.outcome }}" == "failure" ]]; then
# echo "ERROR! Step 'Trigger Jenkins QA Job' has failed!"
# if ${{ env.IS_JENKINS_QA_REQUIRED }}; then
# failed=true
# fi
# fi
# if [ "$failed" == "true" ]; then
# echo "Please expand the failed step(s) for more details."
# exit 1
# fi