This is the official repository of the course Agent-Based Artificial Intelligence held by Prof. Tommaso Di Noia, Politecnico di Bari. It hosts the implementation codes written during the hands-on lessons of the course held by Vincenzo Paparella, Ph.D. student at Politecnico di Bari.
The contents of this repository are organized in the following way. You may find algorithms written in Python and exercises written in Prolog.
The algorithms written in Python are accompanied by some Google Colab Notebook as study supporting material.
In addition, the solution of some exercises is provided.
: this folder contains algorithms to solve problems with tree/graph search and local search;csp
: this folder contains algorithms to solve constraint satisfaction problems;game
: this folder contains algorithms to solve zero-sum games.
: this folder contains solved exercises in prolog. Please, note that the
refers to the resolution of the exercise CSP_Containers_challenge_19-20.pdf in Prolog.
: this folder contains exercises about the topics above.colab
: this folder contains Google Colab Notebooks containing the supporting material for the hands-on lessons. This material should not be intended as a substitution of the materials and books suggested for the theoretical study.
If you need any information about this course, you may contact Prof. Tommaso Di Noia ([email protected]) or Vincenzo Paparella ([email protected]).
This repository is currently maintained by Vincenzo Paparella. If you have questions about the codes within this repository, you may contact him by e-mail (or Teams if you are a student).
- Tommaso Di Noia
- Alberto Carlo Maria Mancino
- Vincenzo Paparella