A game about ᕙ༼ຈلຈ༽ᕗ HARDER BETTER FASTER DONGER ᕙ༼ຈلຈ༽ᕗ
Clone or download this repo in a desired folder
Run Don'tGetMadBro.exe
- Download and install latest ruby.
- Installer For Windows: http://rubyinstaller.org/ (Tick Add Ruby executables to your PATH)
- For Unix/Linux install rbenv
Download the zip of this repo and extract in a desired folder - link
Open your console
gem install gosu
Note: If you are having problem with SSL and it says that there's a problem connecting to the gem site see here for updating the gem version - link 5. Navigate using command 'cd' to the game's main folder.
To start the game use:
ruby game_window.rb
Goals of the game:
- Everyone competes against each other to get all their 4 pawns to the finish. Each player's finish is colored in.
- There are maximum 4 player.
- Players turns rotate counter clockwise starting from the blue player
- Each players during their turn can roll(like a dice but a random number will be chosen).
- If player roll 6 he can roll again after he has made his move.
Moving the pawns:
- Every player has 4 pawns in their color.
- At start all have their pawns at their 'home' positions.
- When in their home position the pawns cannot be selected and moved.
- To place a pawn on the board a player need to roll 6 first.
- Once on a board a pawn that has been selected moves as many positions as the player has rolled during their turn.
- If a pawn steps on an enemy pawn, the enemy pawn gets reset at it's 'home' position and needs to be placed on the board again to be movable.
- Once a pawn has made a full lap it gets in the colored area for that pawn.
- To get a pawn into the finish area you need to roll exactly the number needed to step on into it.
##Used gems: