Ansible content supplemental to the openshift-ansible project for doing things that don't ship with that project, such as prerequisites for updates, upgrades, restarts, etc.
Playbooks provided by this project.
Performs a rolling (one host at a time) operating system (OS) update and/or upgrade to the OCP cluster. This is done as per the instructions at Operating System Updates and Upgrades.
- etcd is deployed to masters
- pull request welcome to make this work with etcd either on masters or on seperate nodes
- masters
- infra-nodes
- app-nodes
Performs the steps should be preforemd before Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades. Specifically before running the appropriate upgrade playbook in the openshift-ansible project.
This is essentially an assible version of [Preparing for an Automated Upgrade] (
Performs the steps that should be prefored after Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades. Specifically after running the appropriate upgrade playbookin the openshift-ansible project.