v.alpha-0 (Before 10 Days in public challenge.)
Pre-releasev.alpha-0 (Before 10 Days in public challenge.)
We just started
We have come to the starting point of developing this site, So come to a ride and read all the updates on Pull Request on this one or Hackclub via Scrapbook or Slack.
This update logs only in pull request #1 but for those who are too lazy to go to the Pull request, here is a summary for you.
Update Logs
A long time ago (I mean last year), I started this project on Github (but I never committed anything to this yet.) and started making this website using Microsoft FrontPage 2001 (aka. FrontPage XP) and I needed to say that, I didn't have any starting point or what I wanted to put on it then and I just make a messy start page along with I burned out, and with a lot of problems on my code that I can't solve and my college start to open, I just abandoned this project until now.