A Cloud Migration POC for Acme Company. This will create a publicly accessible anvil support portal example application inside of ECS.
- An S3 bucket and Dynamo DB table to hold Terraform state
- AWS VPC (subnets, routing tables, internet gateway, NAT gateway)
- ECS Deployment (task definition, cluster, service, tasks)
- Load Balancer (load balancer, target groups, elastic IPs)
- Docker image of the Python sample app, uploaded to ECR
- Security Groups needed to provide access from the internet and between components
- IAM Roles needed to allow ECS to pull images from ECR and to create tasks
- Terraform >= 1.3
- docker >= 20.10.20
- git
- aws cli >= 2.9
- An admin AWS login and your CLI setup with AWS access
- Create an SSL Certificate for the domain to be used
- Create an Access Key (IAM / Users / your username / Security Credentials )
- Create Infrastructure needed to save Terraform state
cd cloudformation ./manage_state.sh create-stack dev
- Create a Personal Access Token (User Settings / Developer Settings / Personal Access Token)
- Create the following secrets using the above values ( Repo settings / Secrets and Variables / Actions )
- Create a copy of anvil-support-dev-backend.tfvars
- Update the environment value in the key
- Create a copy of anvil-support-dev.tfvars
- Update the environment
- Create a copy of terraform-anvil-support-dev.yaml
- Update the environment value in the name
- In the job with section, update the environment
- Create a copy of build-anvil-support-dev.yaml
- Update name
- In the job with section, update the environment
- Create a PR with all the above changes and merge to main
- Once the new environment is created, Find the load balancer's dns name via AWS console or
aws elb describe-load-balancers
- In your DNS hosting provider, create a CNAME pointing to the load balancer dns name
Since the new environment also has a new ECR (shortcoming of demo), there is no image for this new ECS to pull down from its repo.
- In Github Actions, Choose the newly created build job
- Run Workflow
- Specify the latest release
- Update the code, commit/PR/merge
- Be sure to use Semantic Versioning Prefixes in your PR. If not, the release pipeline will fail
For each environment created:
- In AWS ECR delete all images in the
repo - Run the terraform destroy locally
cd terraform
terraform init --backend-config=tfvars/anvil-support-<env>-backend.tfvars --reconfigure
terraform destroy --var-file=tfvars/anvil-support-<env>.tfvars
- Delete the environment tfvars files and terraform/build pipelines
- Commit, PR, merge
- destroy all environments per above
- Destroy the Cloudformation resources
cd cloudformation
./manage_state.sh delete-stack dev
- Delete the repository secrets
- Disable/Delete the Access Key (IAM / Users / your username / Security Credentials )
- Delete the DNS name