released this
20 Mar 18:14
Version 0.9.0
Reporting store algebra: #176
Bumping finagle to a more recent version, changes that were required: #223
Bump Algebird to version 0.5.0: #221
Add stores for read-through and write-through caching: #220
fix bug in onFailure enriched mergeable store: #218
Fixes an issue that Future.collect is N^2 on scala Lists: #219
Adds GetBatchingReadableStore: #215
Elastic Search Store: #205
Issue #72 : Added mongodb store.: #199
Add out of retries exception to retrying store: #210
IterableStore: #191
add onFailure to EnrichedMergeableStore: #200
clean up htable after finishing get and put operations.: #207
Adds a mutable TTL cache: #196
add MergeableStore.fromStoreNoMulti that does single get then put: #201
my little proxy: #202
Add immutable LIRS Cache implementation: #155
Adds the CalendarTimeStrategy: #195
Adds the ability to add an Optional component onto any strategy: #198
Just adds some whitespace: #197
Kafka Sink for SummingBird: #192
You can’t perform that action at this time.