This repository contains my nix configuration for my MacOS machine and NixOS homelab server.
This repository drew significant inspiration from the outstanding work done by Ryan Yin. The following repositories were referenced:
sh <(curl -L
cd ~
nix-shell -p git
git clone
cd nix-config
xcode-select --install
sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
cd ~/nix-config
nix-shell -p just
just build-shu
sh <(curl -L
cd ~
nix-shell -p git
git clone
cd nix-config
cd ~/nix-config
nix-shell -p just
just build-shulab
› tree
├── flake.nix # Main entry point
├── home # home-manager configurations
│ ├── base
│ ├── darwin
│ ├── linux
├── hosts # hosts configurations
│ ├── shu
│ └── shulab
├── Justfile
├── lib # helper functions
├── modules # Modules for extending configurations
│ ├── darwin
│ ├── linux
├── outputs # Architecture specific outputs
│ ├── aarch64-darwin
│ └── x86_64-linux
└── vars # Variables for dynamic configurations