Rails-style implementation of strong parameters for Koa. The middleware adds the this.params
object to the Koa context which returns an object, built from query string
and request body
data. The returned object has some useful methods allows for data requiring
and filtering
You should consider using koa-qs and koa-bodyparser packages together with koa-strong-params
Install the npm package.
npm install koa-strong-params --save
Attach the middleware.
var koa = require('koa');
var params = require('koa-strong-params');
var app = koa();
var koa = require('koa');
var params = require('koa-strong-params');
var bodyparser = require('koa-bodyparser');
var qs = require('koa-qs')
var app = koa();
qs(app); // required for nested query string objects
app.use(bodyparser()); // required for params to include request body objects
app.use(function *() {
// all available params
this.body = this.params.all();
// -> { id: '13', name: 'Bob', age: '13', email: 'bob@gmail.com', address: { country: 'US', street: '261 West' }}
// only selected params
this.body = this.params.only('name', 'age');
// -> { name: 'Bob', age: '13' }
// all params except those provided
this.body = this.params.except('name', 'id', 'address');
// -> { id: '13', age: '13', email: 'bob@email.com' }
// all params of a sub-object
this.body = this.params.require('address').all();
// -> { country: 'US', street: '261 West' }
// only selected params + some merged attributes
this.body = this.params.merge({ badge: 'coder' }).only('name');
// -> { name: 'Bob', badge: 'coder' }