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Use Cases

MaroyaF edited this page Mar 7, 2024 · 12 revisions

Product Cycle

How Personas use the system, Touchpoints. See Permissions for more information.

Government staff and representatives with a .gov or .mil, or .edu account can sign up for a Touchpoints account and login, if the organization exists in Touchpoints. Touchpoints accounts are not available for public users.

General User with an Account

  • An employee for an organization existing in Touchpoints can create an Account
  • User with a Touchpoints Account can login

System Administrator

  • System Administrator can manage (CRUD) Organizations
  • System Administrator can manage Users:
    • Can inactivate users
    • Can change system-level user permissions
  • System Administrator can manage Forms and Form Templates
  • System Administrator can monitor Sidekiq and its background jobs
  • System Administrator can perform all the functions of a Webmaster, Form Manager, and Response Viewer

Organizational Admin

  • Can access an organization's Forms and responses via API

Form Manager

  • Form Manager can get a .js Embed Code snippet
  • Form Manager can add embed code to their website
  • [outside Touchpoints] Webmaster can verify the Embed Code is working
  • Form Manager can deploy website with Touchpoints embed code
  • Form Manager can edit an existing Touchpoints
  • Form Manager can add another User from the same organization as a Form Manager to a Form
  • Form Manager can add another User from the same organization as a Response Viewer to a Form
  • Form Manager can remove other Form Managers and Response Viewers from a Form
  • Form Manager can see Responses
  • Currently disabled: Form Manager is notified via email when a Response is created
  • [outside Touchpoints] Form Manager can share a Touchpoints form URL via their tool of choice
  • Form Manager can invite a user to Touchpoints

Organizational Website Owner

  • User can create and manage all website inventory records for an organization

Website Owner

  • User can create and manage a new website inventory record

Person who responds to Data Collections

  • User can draft and submit a Data Collection
  • Touchpoints Admin can publish or request changes on a Data Collection

Response Viewer

  • Response Viewer can view list of Forms they have permission to

Within the scope a Form:

  • Submission Viewer receives access by being added by
  • Submission Viewer can view a Touchpoint and its Submissions
  • Submission Viewer can see a Response

For Public Users

Public User

A Public User does not login.

  • Public User visits a public Touchpoints URL
  • Public User experiences a Touchpoints delivered to an external website, via javascript
    • Public User clicks a tab to see a Touchpoints
      • or Public User clicks a button to see a Touchpoints
      • or Public User somehow triggers an event to see a Touchpoints
  • Public User creates a Response via a Touchpoints Form
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