pip3 install Flask
pip3 install Flask-SQLAlchemy
pip3 install turbo-flask
pip3 install Flask-WTF
pip3 install psutil
pip3 install paramiko
pip install pynmea2
sudo apt-get install python3-rosnode
git clone https://github.com/uri-ocean-robotics/mvp_msgs.git
A test map is provided, if you want to load your own map
- Download the .mbtiles file for the region of interest
- Put the .mbtiles file into offline_map directory
- Extract the .mbtiles using mb-util
mb-util your_file.mbtiles your_file_tiles_directory
- set the
to the correct directory
MVP GUI has the following web pages for user to operate the vehicles running mvp framework.
Please go to doc
folder to find the readme for each page to see detailed instructions.
To run the gui,
python3 run.py